Recent content by Sharon

  1. Sharon

    Nintendo Switch OLED

    Does anyone plan on picking up this latest console from Nintendo when it becomes available? Unless it's gifted to me, I don't think I will be upgrading my switch unless there is an amazing trade in value. I really wish they included a bluetooth functionality as that alone may motivate me to...
  2. Sharon

    Bluetooth or Wired Headphones?

    Which do you prefer to use?  I love the fact that I never have to charge my wired skull candy earbuds. However, my Bose wireless bluetooth overear headphones are super comfy and actually has relatively good battery life. I may only need to charge it like once every 3 days depending on the...
  3. Sharon

    The Cat Returns

    With recent access to HBO Max in our household and at the mercy of my toddler we ended up watching this hidden gem. Now it's no Spirited Away but I was pleasantly surprised with how entertaining this film was!  It's your typical sort of coming of age type storyline; but in this one a girl...
  4. Sharon

    Romantic Manga Recomendations

    Toradora The Voices of a Distant Star Are there any others I should consider picking up?
  5. Sharon

    How long does it take you to read manga?

    I've heard some people can read manga as little as 20 minutes while others may take more like 45 minutes.  I am trying to gauge how long I might have to wait for a book to become available after putting it on hold or if I should just go ahead and just purchase them.  Some have told me that I can...
  6. Sharon

    Hayao Miyazaki

    What is your favorite Hayao Miyazaki film?   Mine would have to be a toss up between Spirited Away and Kiki's Delivery Service.  I love these movies so much. I've got both on DVD but when I can find them at a better price I would like to upgrade to the blu-ray versions. :)
  7. Sharon

    What is your favorite Manga with Vampires?

    I'm interested in picking up a new series to read and I'm wondering what would everyone recommend?  I heard Vampire Knight is really good.  I also had recommendations of Chibi Vampire.  What do you guys think?
  8. Sharon

    One Piece Fanfiction

    Have you guys ever read any One Piece Fanfiction?  Have you written or thought about writing one?  I think it's great whenever published works inspire others to write.  Please post links to direct stories if you know of any or have any that you'd like to share. :)
  9. Sharon

    One Piece Manga - Sharon finally in!

    OK so I wanted to know what the hype was all about so I FINALLY got a hold of a copy of One Piece - Romance Dawn Volume 1. =)  I haven't started it yet but I will try my best to get started today!  ...and for proof that I indeed have the copy I even took a picture! lol It's about time right...
  10. Sharon

    What kind of phone do you have?

    I have the Blackberry Q10 - which I absolutely love. All I mostly do on my phone is text, chat, and email so this phone is perfect for me. With the dedicated keyboard I can type fast and accurately. What kind of phone do you have?
  11. Sharon

    Error in loading screen?

    I'm not sure if that is the correct description but it happens whenever I post a reply (or in this case a new thread) for a second I panic because I think that I've lost what I had typed up in my response but then it loads and my post is successful. I thought I'd just point this out. Here is a...
  12. Sharon

    Japan Prepares for Invasion of Baymax Standies

    I remember sitting in the cinema watching the previews and saw one of Big Hero 6. I thought this article was interesting and wanted to share it. Also, if you'd like to enjoy the trailer...
  13. Sharon

    Sharon here!

    I've been told in a couple of occasions to start a new introduction thread for myself so here I go! =) My name is Sharon (I know, obvious right?) and I currently reside in Texas. I frequent various forums and enjoy many hobbies including (but not limited to) writing, reading, camping, bike...
  14. Sharon


    For those on Windows and don't have this software yet get it! I'm always amazed at how much malware it is able to detect. It's free and it doesn't take up a lot of space. A great tool for cleaning out crap (hence the name! lol).;pop
  15. Sharon

    Any anime that feature vampires?

    Do you guys have any recommendations of anime that have vampires? I think I would get into something like that if there are any. Are there any that you'd recommend? Thanks in advanced. ;)