How long does it take you to read manga?


Well-known member
I've heard some people can read manga as little as 20 minutes while others may take more like 45 minutes.  I am trying to gauge how long I might have to wait for a book to become available after putting it on hold or if I should just go ahead and just purchase them.  Some have told me that I can just view them online but I don't know, I like holding a physical book in hand. Is that weird?  Anyway, I imagine it also depends on how much dialogue the manga has as well.
Different manga has different size per volume. I suppose in general takes me between 30 and 60 minutes per volume.

I don't think it is odd you rather paper. I think many people rather the physical thing. It is just more expensive.
I read Detective Conan, and it takes me a bit to read one chapter, about 10 minutes, because there is always so much happening, that I have to re-read some of it to fully understand something. I like physical copies too, nothing weird about that.