Let's talk about your day!

Nothing much to brag about
A normal day for me. I hope I can be here for the rest of the day to help you all out
Thank you for the good wishes @Blackangel and @Star_Of_Hope
Today was the day I stopped isolating so I'm back in work and had a busy enough day to start things off. Thankfully it's pretty close to the weekend so I've only got another day this week and then I get to goof off again :v
apathy said:
Thank you for the good wishes @Blackangel and @Star_Of_Hope
Today was the day I stopped isolating so I'm back in work and had a busy enough day to start things off. Thankfully it's pretty close to the weekend so I've only got another day this week and then I get to goof off again :v

That's good to know
I hope you will get plenty of rest during the weekend. Over here we have classes on Saturday as well :D
i think it's going to be a long day today as well
let me try to get some anime threads here and that should make people post more.
Today has been alright but just pretty standard overall. I got a little further in an addon I'm developing for my site but unfortunately I'm stuck again lol. I'm sure I'll get it soon enough but it's still annoying only being able to make a bit of progress each day.
I went to bird viewing and it's really good.
Forgot all about MAF and I will try to drop by here later. I have to travel a little today
Pretty easy day overall, work then spent the rest of the day coding really. I think after I have my dinner I'll probably spend the evening playing Ratchet & Clank.
I had an early start today.
Hopefully I will be able to cover whatever I need, pretty soon or else it could get bad.
It's been a fairly standard day for me overall, I had work off so I've just been coding and now getting bet into Yakuza 3 remastered.
An early start for me.
I haven't been able to get much sleep last night due to the journey and today I plan to get more sleep because of that
Sorry to hear youre sick Angel, hope you start feeling better soon.

Today was pretty average in terms of whats happened but I've definitely felt kinda off all day, not sick or anything just a weird old buzz altogether.
Blackangel said:
i am too sick again
and today is a freaking sunday and we really should covered all the slack by now

Get well soon.
Health should come first before anything else. Take rest and medicine, Blackangel
Don't worry and keep taking good good and rest.
I am sure you will build up your immunity slowly and that should do the trick
I had the day off work so haven't done too much but I did get to hang out with a pal for an hour which was nice since I've just been at home for weeks now