Let's talk about your day!

Ended up working eight hours today, and then was asked to stay on an additional two hours which meant I have fulfilled an 10 hour working day. It's just a typical day for me. Having dinner soon and then heading to bed!
Good morning all, had about 12 hours sleep last night, enjoying my usual breakfast and my morning coffee.

Good afternoon all, enjoying a dark French roast coffee and Chinese herbal tea. For lunch today : leftovers with orange juice. Doing aroma therapy and music therapy till dinner and dozing off tonight.

Good night all, been doing about an hour aroma therapy and music therapy, meditating and doing yoga till dinner and falling asleep tonight.
I am having a good day so far.
I slept for almost 8 hours today and I still feel sleepy. I might get some rest again today
A normal day so far.
I have been to a few places outside today. I am a little tired but it's good to go out once in a while.
Good morning all, had about 12 hours sleep last night, having my usual breakfast and my morning coffeee.[br]
Just had my tea.
I am feeling a little uneasy today as I didn't get enough sleep. But it's going to be a long day.
[quote="Naiwen" pid='205672' dateline='1593238119']
Hey everyone sup? Happy weekend guys! I’ve nothing planned today.

Hi Naiwen.
Today I have too much planned with respect to cleaning the house. I am going to be very busy
i am sorry to hear that star
take rest and don't work too much and you already have a weak body as it is and meet clarie do it

Ace said:
Planning on chilling, read some manga play some games same ol' same ol'

what manga are you reading?
Hey everyone sup there man, how’s it going? I’m more peaceful than last night but my room is hot and stuffy so yeah, can’t sleep tonight. I’m just killing time on the Internet tonight whilst trying to fall asleep so yeah, rough night tonight l.
Hello afternoon guys, I’ve just been out for a half an hour slow walk outside whilst it’s been pouring cats and dogs after I’ve come home just on time for it. It has been hot and humid, thence my insomnia for a few days lately over here. I love watching the rainfall. After coming home, I’ve just had my afternoon usual snacks and tea. Currently just relaxing online in bed on my phone and listening to music whilst playing some Solitaire on my phone.
very busy day for me today, with the recent storms i been helping clear off the tree's that had to be cut down to prevent anymore line breaks.
I’ve just enjoyed a most peaceful and undisturbed sleep tonight. Just chilling online tonight. How are you doing so far with your day?