Let's talk about your day!

Good night all, been doing about an hour aroma therapy and music therapy, meditating and doing yoga till dinner and dozing off tonight.
I will be having my first cup of coffee today.
I don't think I can think much and I really should stop watching movies this way
my day has been eventful, starting off with my cats bothering me cause they wanted fresh water instead of day-old water, our orange cat wanted to check the temperature and misjudged the amount of water and had a soaked paw gave me the worst look cause it's the human's fault, after that was a pretty basic day, reading gaming and watching youtube. admittedly I may have a slight addiction to youtube considering my watch-time. I;ve caught up on 3 different manga and started a 4th.
Good morning all, had about 12 hours sleep last night, enjoying my usual breakfast and my morning coffee.

Good afternoon all, enjoying a French dark roast coffee and Chinese herbal tea. For lunch today : leftovers with orange juice. Doing aroma therapy and music therapy till dinner and off to bed tonight.
Good night all, been doing about an hour aroma therapy and music therapy, meditating and doing yoga till dinner and dozing off tonight.
I had time to apply some Mehandi yesterday.
Even though I am too tired today, I am glad that I have done it even if I couldn't get much sleep because of it
I hope Angel is doing better.
It's going to be a great day, if I could just talk to her and know she is alright.
Good morning all, had about 12 hours sleep last night, having my usual breakfast and my morning coffee.

Good afternoon all, having an Irish cream coffee and Chinese green tea. Having leftovers with orange juice for lunch today. Doing aroma therapy and music therapy till dinner and drifting to sleep tonight.

Good night all, been doing about an hour aroma therapy and music therapy, meditating and doing yoga till dinner and heading the sack tonight.
Good morning all, had about 12 hours sleep last night, breakfast is my usual and my morning coffee.

Good afternoon all, sipping a mild Italian roast coffee and Chinese oolong tea. Lunch is leftovers with orange juice. Doing aroma therapy and music therapy till dinner and dozing off tonight.

Good night all, been doing about an hour aroma therapy and music therapy, meditating and doing yoga till dinner and hitting the pillow tonight.
Good morning all, had about 12 hours sleep last night, enjoying my usual breakfast and my morning coffee.

Good afternoon all, enjoying a dark French roast coffee and Chinese herbal tea. For lunch today : leftovers with orange juice. Doing aroma therapy and music therapy till dinner and heading to bed tonight.
Good night all, been doing about an hour aroma therapy and music therapy, meditating and doing yoga till dinner and heading the sack tonight.
Good morning all, had about 12 hours sleep last night, having jam on toast for breakfast and my morning coffee.

Good afternoon all, having a caramel cappuccino and Chinese green tea. Having lunch on leftovers with orange juice. Doing aroma therapy and music therapy till dinner and drifting to sleep tonight.
Good night all, been doing about an hour aroma therapy and music therapy, meditating and doing yoga till dinner and dozing off tonight.
Good morning all, had about 12 hours sleep last night, breakfast is my usual and my morning coffee.

Good afternoon all, sipping a mild Italian roast coffee and Chinese oolong tea. Lunching on leftover pizza with lemon iced tea. Doing aroma therapy and music therapy till dinner and putting myself to sleep tonight.

Good afternoon all, sipping a mild Italian roast coffee and Chinese oolong tea. Lunching on leftover pizza with lemon iced tea. Doing aroma therapy and music therapy till dinner and putting myself to sleep tonight.
Good night all, been doing about an hour aroma therapy and music therapy, meditating and doing yoga till dinner and turning myself in tonight.