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  1. Rika

    Have you ever wanted to change the main group in any anime?

    We all dislike some of the other character and if you were to change them, the situation, anime wouldn't remain the same. So despite the risk and disgust, I wouldn't want to change any charcter in any anime.
  2. Rika

    Are you picky in picking up an anime, after being an anime fan for a long time?

    I would say, that could be what it looks like from others perspective. If you were to ask me however, I would say it's the same.
  3. Rika

    Have you ever thought some references are plain dumb?

    Some references are ludicrous and they spread around when most of the people find them informative or relative to the cause.
  4. Rika

    Who is the most unpredictable anime character to you?

    There are too many characters who are unpredictable but most of the time, they are designed that way for fun, like most of the male leads in shoenen anime.
  5. Rika

    Weirdest dream you ever had

    That's a tough question for me. There were too many to count and in one of those dreams I was flying and in the other one, I was drowning.
  6. Rika

    Favorite Kodomomuke anime

    I would like Pokémon. I grew up watching it and though the anime never changed much, it's still a good anime for me.
  7. Rika

    Uploading vs Cybernetic Reincarnating what to do with your afterlife.

    If given a choice, I would like to go to a world like SAO and get trapped there. If it's a risky adventure, things could get really exciting and of course I don't want anything that could lead to death in the game. Things should just restart after the character dies.
  8. Rika

    Do you like more female characters in anime ?

    It's not about the gender for me. I would like an anime character if they have the likeable characteristics
  9. Rika

    Intro albeit a little late

    You look good and I didn't expect you to have such a low self esteem. Going by today's beauty standard's, you should have more confidence in yourself.
  10. Rika

    What if you are not in the target audience of your favorite anime?

    I wouldn't care about it. As long as I enjoy the anime it doesn't matter whether I am included in the target audience or not. Some people want to keep their anime liking a secret but that's not me.
  11. Rika

    Akira anime movie is a blunder

    It's not possible to incorporate all the manga moments into a movie unless it's of a movie series. We get what we get and we can't be picky when anime is not as popular as Marvell movies.
  12. Rika

    Uh....just something (_ _)/

    It's fine to not look like a model. Why would you feel bad about your complexion, weight and height? As long as you got the creative content, it doesn't matter at the end. Let me tell you something. I was close to my neighbor when I was a kid and she had a blog. It's been over 15 years and I...
  13. Rika

    Uh....just something (_ _)/

    I am confused about your look. What's there to not to feel confident? If you are really camera shy, you can try unboxing videos, reviews, comparison lists, movie or drama clip reactions.
  14. Rika

    Living in India Vs UK( My experience)

    It's obvious from your post. I usually see people praising the culture and the new things they have experienced
  15. Rika

    Uh....just something (_ _)/

    Then you just have to gain confidence. It's not easy to build up but if you can do one video, the rest of the videos will become a lot easier than you think.
  16. Rika

    What anime/manga made you feel something you have never felt before?

    I feel various emotions over the episodes and I don't get what new emotion can anime make you feel. Are you referring to the first time you have felt something while watching anime?
  17. Rika

    How long one should watch before dropping an anime according to you?

    These days I don't endure more than one episode of anime that's not to my tastes.
  18. Rika

    Do you prefer music or quiet?

    It depends. If I wanted to listen to some music, I will choose that but if not, I would just enjoy the calm and quiet. I enjoy pretty much everything and it's the little things in life that could make you happy.
  19. Rika

    Happy with your job?

    I am not completely happy with it but it pays the bills.
  20. Rika

    Living in India Vs UK( My experience)

    I have gone through the entire thread. You are trying to hide your obvious dislike about staying in another country. You have the right to feel and express your views but if you have to stay there, it's better to, come to terms with it. In this way, you won't get depressed or feel that your life...