My Death Note Review!


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[font=Arial, sans-serif]Death Note[/font]

[font=Arial, sans-serif]Anime review - Death note
Death note is about a genius high schooler called light yagami (imagay spelled backwards) who obtains a notebook that can kill people.The notebook belongs to a death god who dropped it into the human world to kill his boredom.Light uses it to kill off criminals and the scum of the world to create a new world where only good people are allowed to live.While he's doing what he believes to be right,the police start noticing these abnormal deaths of criminals.They bring in the world greatest detective named L to catch this phantom criminal and that's where things start getting epic. Yes this anime is EPIC,which can only be said for a select few animes.The anime is about two geniuses trying to find each other while neither of them knows the other's name or face.There are complex mind games involved, moments of pure brilliance and even the occasional comedy relief.Death note also has the single greatest rivalry I've seen in any anime.This anime never gets boring as it's a game of cat and mouse where it's never clear who's the cat and who's the mouse.It will get you addicted and keep you at the edge of your seat.This anime could have been the perfect anime if it wasn't for an extremely annoying character.But she wasn't completely useless because she did help progress the plot however little her contribution might have been.This an anime that will require you to use your brain which makes it a welcome change from the usual no brainer kind of anime. 

Time to give this anime a score.
Story gets a 10/10 for being the best I've ever seen.
Animation gets a 9/10. It's done by studio madhouse and they don't disappoint.
Characters get a 9/10 for being a mix of great and about average characters.
Soundtrack gets a 10/10 .The OSTs used are of the epic kind and they fit the atmosphere of the anime perfectly and are some of my favorite OSTs ever.
Dub gets a 9/10.I would recommend watching it in dub unless you're a weebo.
Overall it gets a 9.8/10 .The only reason it's not a 10 is because of misa and a couple of sub par characters who get introduced at episode 26.

If you like death note you'll probably also like code geass. It's similar in a way but completely different with an awesome story.Or if you're a fan of working your brain,try steins gate.It deals with the complex and mind bending issue of time travel. Now like this review.

...we all know what Anime is like right? if it's not super Giant robots, fighting Tournaments, or The's a cheesy Love triangle in some High school setting or if not, a combination of the four, The main Character is Always a loveable loser or a Goody two shoes or a depressed lady dude complaining about his hairdo in the morning, once in a while though an Anime comes along that really dose something new to stand out in the crowd and really dose make you think, Death note is an Anime that really fits it's description nicely, an Anime that dosen't need Super powerd fights or Giant Robots to be Entertaining, proofing that all you need to make a Great show is a Note book that can kill, a Death God that has way to much spare time in his hands and a rivalry between two boys that are determent to either Kill each other, or toss each other off. 

The story goes something like this:

a Black note book with the power to kill predictively titled "Death note" is dropped from the Shinigami world in the human world with a Big sign next to it saying "Oh I hope no one picks me up and tries to use me for world Domination *Wink* *Wink*"

and it Ends up getting picked up by a main protagonist "Light Yagami", That's "i am a gay" spelled backwards :>

a week later, Light is visited by the Shinigami who dropped it a guy named "Ryuk" who Looks like a mixture of Alice cooper and the any rate it seem that Light want's to rid the world of evil by killing off criminals all in the name of justice Apparently, so in the end we have our protagonist Light who has a Note book that can kill some with only a name and a face, with the company of a Death God who's Ugly as hell with an OSD super detictive trying to catch them...not your typical Anime isn't it? now Death note is a very interesting Anime, it's an Anime that needs you to use your brain, and keeps you at the edge of your seat

it was an Anime that constantly kept me guessing till the End, and always one step ahead of me I also just love the rivalry between L and Light I mean on the outside they were buddies but in the inside they were trying to kill each other..but Honestly sometimes this Anime is just hilarious at how much it fails in trying to make every scean Epic as Hell to the point where they use Orchestra music for when Light eats a Potato chip .-. because I'm not gonna look back at This and Go like "Oh wow that was some Amazing Potato chip eating"

It just takes it self a bit to seriously sometimes, overall Death not is definitely one of the Most interesting Anime's I have ever watched the Animation is great The music is obsoletely Amazing (Just get's repetitive at times) and it probably fetchers one of the Greatest Rivalries in Anime History so I give This Anime: 9 out of 10


So yeah, here's my review about Death Note, my favourite anime of all time. All right, here goes :

Synopsis : Light Yagami is a genius and one day he gets a Death Note, and the Death Note can enable him to kill people at a certain time. So he started playing with it and eventually got so in it that he killed anyone who got in his way. But one day, detective L is hired by the police force to solve these crimes and he got an opponent. 

Genre : suspense, thriller, adult. 

My thoughts on it : Pros : Very good suspense and thriller. I thought the action was very good. And my favourite episode is the 6th one. Light is my absolute favourite character in it. He's just such a genius, a madman, a criminal. The plot is original, and the interaction between Light and L was excellent. 

Cons : I didn't like the ending of the anime. I didn't like it wasn't L who got Light, but near, another youth prodigy. Also, Light Yagami went Deus Ex Machina at the end. 

In conclusion, I've liked the anime, except the ending of it. Hope you liked my 1st review on animemangaforum!
It's really a great review, Naiwen!
Not many users are satisfied with the ending though.
Don't you like N?
Star_Of_Hope said:
It's really a great review, Naiwen!
Not many users are satisfied with the ending though.
Don't you like N?

No, I didn't like N at all. I was very disappointed with the ending. It was Near who caught Light, not L! (still can't over it).
Naiwen said:
No, I didn't like N at all. I was very disappointed with the ending. It was Near who caught Light, not L! (still can't over it).

Isn't N the successor of L?
Star_Of_Hope said:
Naiwen said:
No, I didn't like N at all. I was very disappointed with the ending. It was Near who caught Light, not L! (still can't over it).

Isn't N the successor of L?

No, I got so sad when L died! I cried so hard for him! I was cheering for him to get Light the whole time!
Naiwen said:
No, I got so sad when L died! I cried so hard for him! I was cheering for him to get Light the whole time!

Well, we should admit that light is smarter than L :D
everyone in this forum are good at writing reviews.
great job bro xD

have i met you somewhere before? xD
Sebastian said:
everyone in this forum are good at writing reviews.
great job bro xD

have i met you somewhere before? xD

Eh, Imma girl, you've ever been on forum promotion? If yes, then maybe we've met before.
Naiwen said:
Eh, Imma girl, you've ever been on forum promotion? If yes, then maybe we've met before.

never heard of it.
another pretty lady....your butler, sebastian is at your service, my lady xD
MadaraUchiha said:
Well, it's an extremely great anime......Only bad thing is that the last few episodes sucked..........

I agree with you completely, the ending ruined everything! Argh!
Great review.
Add more images to make it look like professional article.
I've never understood the hype about Death Note.
I still enjoyed it. But I would never go so far, to call it the best anime, there's like 1000's of good animes out there :D That msg was to @Testaccount

Good review doe.

I go by this: Daily reminders: Your favorite anime is shit
@ak said:
I've never understood the hype about Death Note.
I still enjoyed it. But I would never go so far, to call it the best anime, there's like 1000's of good animes out there :D That msg was to @Testaccount

Good review doe.

I go by this: Daily reminders: Your favorite anime is shit

Better than death note?
In what way? Can you give me the name of the anime, that can beat death note?

Naiwen said:
There are a few that could qualify as the best ones though, other than DN.

Name them and if they are that good, I will take back what i said.
Testaccount said:
Better than death note?
In what way? Can you give me the name of the anime, that can beat death note?

Name them and if they are that good, I will take back what i said.

Such like Code Geass, Guran Laggen.
Nice review :D
I also think the fact that Light didn't get defeated by L was disappointing... Also I don't like Near.
I like L's real name Ryuuzaki.