Final statistics thread

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536 posts left for the week. I don't think it's possible.
I am sorry to say this, but I am no longer interested in this.
KuranKaname said:
536 posts left for the week. I don't think it's possible.
I am sorry to say this, but I am no longer interested in this.

it's not at all possible even people don't post. i am not going to post way more unless i get some replies.
it's fucking tiring.
SecretWish said:
it's not at all possible even people don't post. i am not going to post way more unless i get some replies.
it's fucking tiring.

I have seen @"Mansi14" replies to your posts. She is busy these days and sick. You can't expect her to post like you. None of us can post like you secret wish.
We are not asking you to post like that. Enjoy yourself.
I will reply to your threads, if I could contribute something to them
Star_Of_Hope said:
I have seen @"Mansi14" replies to your posts. She is busy these days and sick. You can't expect her to post like you. None of us can post like you secret wish.
We are not asking you to post like that. Enjoy yourself.
I will reply to your threads, if I could contribute something to them

she hardly posts for 10 posts and i am not asking for all of my threads but at least if she replies frequently i could be happy.
this week's goal is impossible to achieve
SecretWish said:
she hardly posts for 10 posts and i am not asking for all of my threads but at least if she replies frequently i could be happy.
this week's goal is impossible to achieve

I agree with this too. But if you take care of the goal, the activity would drop drastically.
I wouldn't want that to happen
[quote="Mansi14" pid='101339' dateline='1532508673']
Sorry about that. I've been slacking off there overall. 

A gentle reminder to everyone: IT'S OKAY EVEN IF WE DON'T MEET EVERY SINGLE POST COUNT GOAL. Don't force yourself, it's thing we made for ourselves. No need to stress it x) Just enjoy while you post. You have all the rights to do as you wish (with the forum rules of course xD)

but i like posting more and if i get a v.i.p. recognition, it's a cherry on the top. i want people to reply to my threads more. even when i post in other sections, others aren't replying to me.
SecretWish said:
but i like posting more and if i get a v.i.p. recognition, it's a cherry on the top. i want people to reply to my threads more. even when i post in other sections, others aren't replying to me.

If they can contribute something, they would always reply.
You could reply to others posts too kiddo
i can't post much but i will try to post what i can. i posted normal threads too and if you can reply, i will be greatful
SecretWish said:
i can't post much but i will try to post what i can. i posted normal threads too and if you can reply, i will be greatful
I will take a look at them now.
I am not watching many anime at the moment. I haven't even caught up to one piece.
We couldn't complete today's goal. There is no point in struggling this much. You could take it easy and enjoy yourselves
we need 130 more posts and please count me out. i can't post that many posts and i am busy this weekend. i would probably post a few more but nothing big
[quote="Elvis" pid='101725' dateline='1532855101']

Busy, eh?  :hohoho:

i have a life too and i am not online for long today.
Guess after a very long time, we wouldn't be able to meet this week's goal.
We need more than 50 posts and it's highly impossible now. It's really sad :(
Star_Of_Hope said:
I have added the new count.
It was hard to meet previous week's goal.
Hopefully that's not the case this week.

In the end we did meet the goal. Who posted all those posts at the end?
I didn't think it is secret wish who posted all of them here.
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