Ask me anything

gemxtria said:
We live in a dead nice area, it's a walk away from a canal. 15 minute walk to the town, but i just fancy a change and want a bigger garden haha

oh wow.
it's like my dream house. and i bet it's a beautiful house. what do you have in your garden?
It's a small terrace house but yeah it's nice, enough for me, the gf and the dog haha. Nothing at the moment. we don't have much room. Even the dog doesn't like it
Burnsy said:
Do you play any games or watch TV shows outside of anime?
I do. I play a lot of Football Manager, GTA 5, Rocket League etc. And i watch a lot of Wrestling and then mainly Netflix shows
gemxtria said:
I do. I play a lot of Football Manager, GTA 5, Rocket League etc. And i watch a lot of Wrestling and then mainly Netflix shows

I'm playing some persona 4 and waiting for cyberpunk for now. Do you have a top 5 games ever?
CryingClown said:
You're not into RPG?
No they've never really been my thing. I've been wanting to get into WOW for ages but my internet can't hold it

Demon_skeith said:
Do you hope they will ever animate the rest of the Akame Ga Kill series?
Hmm, i'm not sure. I like how the anime ended but i would like a reboot to actually match the Manga because it had a better ending
if you can select an anime to get a separate different cast, what would you pick?
have any favorite voice actor, gem?