Where to download and watch anime

Blackangel said:
don't you have backup?
or syncing it to your email account for chrome?

No I meant I was searching through my bookmarks, that's how I suggested anime hylia but I didn't notice the site he suggested.
MadaraUchiha said:
No I meant I was searching through my bookmarks, that's how I suggested anime hylia but I didn't notice the site he suggested.

that's cool.
and i didn't think you have already searched through bookmarks. sorry.
I normally don't download movies due to data concerns, I watch them online. You can check out Crunchyroll , they have extensive collections of Anime series and movies.

You can buy membership for $9.99 per month, or start the trial for free for one month. I am having premium membership there.
Trying to find out, but someone I know, knows another person who has a server he hosts all the latest anime on.
hawkeye_mihawk said:
This thread is created to the people who don't know about other websites available to watch/download anime.


BakaBT - http://bakabt.me
Tokyo Toshokan - http://tokyotosho.info
NyaaTorrents - http://www.nyaa.eu
AnimeTake - http://www.animetake.com
Iso Hunt - http://isohunt.com
Horriblesubs - http://horriblesubs.info

Watch Online
kissanime - www.kissanime.com
AnimeFreak - http://www.animefreak.tv
Anime Ultima - http://www.animeultima.tv
GoGoAnime - http://www.gogoanime.com
Watch cartoon online - www.watchcartoononline.com
AnimeCentre : http://www.animecenter.tv/
Animehaven - http://animehaven.org or http://anime.fullfights.org (both url work)
Anime waffles http://animewaffles.tv
Dubbed Anime - http://dubbedanime.net

For Naruto - www1.narutospot.net
For One Piece - www1.watchop.com

MyAnimeList links:

smoker- http://myanimelist.net/animelist/s0ap
@[MelloLily]- http://myanimelist.net/animelist/MelloLily
@[Zero] - http://myanimelist.net/animelist/ZeroSinister
@[KonahaANBU] - http://myanimelist.net/animelist/KonahaANBU

Other users can post other websites you know(to watch anime) to share it with others :),you can also submit your MAL link
hawkeye_mihawk said:
This thread is created to the people who don't know about other websites available to watch/download anime.


BakaBT - http://bakabt.me
Tokyo Toshokan - http://tokyotosho.info
NyaaTorrents - http://www.nyaa.eu
AnimeTake - http://www.animetake.com
Iso Hunt - http://isohunt.com
Horriblesubs - http://horriblesubs.info

Watch Online
kissanime - www.kissanime.com
AnimeFreak - http://www.animefreak.tv
Anime Ultima - http://www.animeultima.tv
GoGoAnime - http://www.gogoanime.com
Watch cartoon online - www.watchcartoononline.com
AnimeCentre : http://www.animecenter.tv/
Animehaven - http://animehaven.org or http://anime.fullfights.org (both url work)
Anime waffles http://animewaffles.tv
Dubbed Anime - http://dubbedanime.net

For Naruto - www1.narutospot.net
For One Piece - www1.watchop.com

MyAnimeList links:

smoker- http://myanimelist.net/animelist/s0ap
@[MelloLily]- http://myanimelist.net/animelist/MelloLily
@[Zero] - http://myanimelist.net/animelist/ZeroSinister
@[KonahaANBU] - http://myanimelist.net/animelist/KonahaANBU

Other users can post other websites you know(to watch anime) to share it with others :),you can also submit your MAL link

Thank you so much, this is so awesome!!! I can't thank you enough for sharing this. Awesome MAL list by the way :D
DiamondDust said:
Isn't that some of these sites closed off already? We need an updated info

Yeah, I have every reasons to believe so that some of the websites aren't hosted anymore and it's actually a very big challenge for newbies who are looking for where to download.
Heatman said:
Yeah, I have every reasons to believe so that some of the websites aren't hosted anymore and it's actually a very big challenge for newbies who are looking for where to download.

Hm.. someone need to update this thread lol
DiamondDust said:
Hm.. someone need to update this thread lol

Yeah, I definitely agree with you on this about the list needing to be updated for more accurate information for all users. Let's hope the writer would be kind enough to do it sooner than later for all of us.
I knew i can't watch the premium content at YouTube, i was just able to watch the mere cut scenes which isn't watch i came for. Thanks for the recommendations dear. Can I use the Torrent to download? Or its based on buy order??
Sincerem said:
I knew i can't watch the premium content at YouTube, i was just able to watch the mere cut scenes which isn't watch i came for. Thanks for the recommendations dear. Can I use the Torrent to download? Or its based on buy order??
Best way you can watch for free is by downloading via torrent. You will need to download BitTorrent and then download .torrent file of the movie you want to watch. Opening that file, will start downloading.
Razor1911 said:
Best way you can watch for free is by downloading via torrent. You will need to download BitTorrent and then download .torrent file of the movie you want to watch. Opening that file, will start downloading.

Sincerem said:

There is another site called Funimation. This site is not accessible in my country, but it has some good collection, and you can have a look out there. You need to subscribe for premium contents, but many anime movies you can watch there for free without subscription.
Being in this forum have enabled me to know more about where to watch animes. I make use of Tobu, YouTube, mangakak etc, to watch whenever I'm having the passion.