Final statistics thread

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you are right and it would have been great.
he will come within the hour or two. and i think he would have wanted to be here when everyone's here
i will try to remember that.
do you know that it was very hard to reach last week's goal? it's been increased from 1000 to 1050. but weekend posts are getting counted
I know that man.
New monthly goals are good too. You could complete them and they relax for the next few days.
that was a joke.
don't take it very seriously and i hope you would get enough time to spend more time here.
that would make me so happy
Thanks man.
I know that and it's fun talking to you after a very long time. You should watch the group watch anime man. I vouch for it
thank you.
it's been fun talking to you and drop by tomorrow too. i will watch it and i planned to watch it before too
I will remember that man.
I will log off now but I will come back very soon. Say hi to Blackrose and Poseidon for me
i will tell them that you dropped by.
and i thought we could at least make 100 posts before taking a break but that's a very long goal too
it's just me posting a lot mostly.
i can't post very much and it you see the statistics page you will find how much i have posted
That's cool man.
I thought everyone would come by this time but I got it wrong. When is the active hour here?
there is no active hour.
we used to have it but please stopped showing up that time and no one cared much after that
That's so sad
We should set up another active hour man. We can't keep up with the goal if we don't have an active hour
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