Final statistics thread

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we were worried
you shouldn't have disappeared like that. would it kill you to say that you would be gone for a while, before you disappear?
Sorry man.
It was unexpected and I told you, I would be back before you know it. It hasn't been that long
we missed you and did you see the monthly goal?
even our weekend posts are going to get counted. if you want your color back, you should make more posts
I don't think I can get it man.
Even Blackrose and Poseidon lost their colors and I wouldn't be able to get it.
you didn't even try.
if you tried harder, you could have gotten it. and i think if you make 200 posts a week, you can get it very easily
200 posts are hard to post man.
I can't do it and I am very busy. I will try to remember this when I get time and like always you are good Angel
you won't until you try.
why are you giving up so easily? and i thought you liked having access to the vip section.
don't you want it?
Nothing wrong man.
You are a woman and it suits you but I don't like it and I like my color. Why would I want it to be gone?
you shouldn't be gender biased.
what are you taking about pink is for woman?
i like it because that color looks nice
You are posting a lot like usual.
For me, it's different. I can post a few posts but hundreds of posts is out of my league man
it's not in just a day
you have an entire week to make them. but it's your time and decision and i can't say much to it
Not very long man.
I need to leave and I just dropped by to check my alerts. I don't plan on staying for very long
i wish you could stay a little.
if everyone is online at once, the activity would increase a lot . have you seen the progress?
we are doing good
It's cool man.
It's been 4 hours since the reset and you doing great like always. I wish I could be there for you but I can't. I will be here for another 10 minutes
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