Final statistics thread V2.0

Poseidon said:
I have tips for you guys and girls, if you want to get sleepy and easy to sleep, try to eat more water spinach
what if he don't want to sleep at all?
is there a tip for it too? i don't want to sleep all the time, i get sleepy . spinach tastes bad
Poseidon said:
Well if he don't want to sleep then there's nothing i can do haha..
And water spinach is different from spinach
i was asking for myself.
i didn't want to sleep but i couldn't stop myself from falling asleep. it's not a good habits of a mine
Great progress like always.
Please note that, I won't be available much starting this Friday. I will be back by next month. The same goes for Clara as well.
Poseidon said:
301 post a day, haha.. this is the first time i see it

You did want to see more than 200 posts recently if I remember correctly right..evidently miss blackangel has not been resting
yes we made it to 300.
i am not well and i am afraid i will take a break and i need to confront my niece too
I am getting tired man.
I have been watching Ergo proxy but it's too boring and I am going to drop it. This is the second anime I have dropped this month
if it's too boring, just drop it.
there is no point in watching something you don't enjoy and i don't recommend continuing further