Final statistics thread V2.0

Well, a new day a new goal yet again.
Let's try to do our best today as well. We are just too far behind the goal
we did it and got 200 during the weekend.
all the slack is covered and it's time for the new week again. let's try to get to our goal
I couldn't drop by this weekend man.
I am glad everything is alright. How is everyone on this lovely day?
i was here but not active.
i think everyone posted on those days. it all went well and we are back again. let's do our best today
it's a good day here
That's cool man
I am so hungry and I feel like I can eat a whale. I am going to get something for me
Thanks man.
I was thinking of getting a sandwich or some other frozen food.
I wouldn't get cheesecake this time.
that's good to know
frozen food isn't good but it's better than cheesecake. i will make myself some scrambled eggs and a toast if i were you
That's cool man.
I don't feel like doing anything. Store is right outside and I don't want to do any work
you are being too lazy.
but all this hunger talk is making me hungry as well. i want to read something but i will prepare it myself
I have been busy man.
I don't get much time for myself and I don't want to spend what little time I have on cooking
i don't want to go to work.
i feel so tired and i think i will sleep. if you don't get any response from me, assume that i feel asleep
I am so sorry man.
I thought it's just Clara who is deprived of sleep. You could take a day off, if you are so tired
clara got an extreme case.
i don't think i can ever do work like her. she told me that she is getting 4-5 hours sleep and 4-5 hours journey.
she is a real sweetheart to put up with it
That's true man.
I get 2-3 hours sleep and I know how hard it can be. I wish she would get more sleep and I wish the same for myself