AMF lounge v2.0

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Star_Of_Hope said:
I see
There are a few people who used to hide their identity in the past but not now: D

really star?
i only ever saw clara hiding her identity and i haven't seen anyone else doing that .
White_Tiger said:
SecretWish used to hide her online presence

you don't say lol.
but i just thought it was fun to pop up out of nowhere in a discussion but my posts give my presence away
Blackangel said:
really star?
i only ever saw clara hiding her identity and i haven't seen anyone else doing that .

I see.
Well, that's how the old members act. Now, it's different and I don't see too many users doing it
Just 30 more posts for today's goal.
Don't give up now everyone and keep up the good work and we will look into the downtime :D
yes star
and you should taken 15. and i am still waiting for your interesting threads after all this time.
I will post threads later.
I plan to post a few today. Give me like 2 hours or so. I am in the middle of something right now
that's cool star
then i can't wait to read your threads now. but after we met the goal, i am out of here. i am too tired.
We made so much progress man.
Here I thought everything will be in a bad state without me.
I am back! :cheers:
Well we still need about 6 posts for today.
Then we can think about extra posts. Only then we can cover the slack little by little
This is bad man
How can we make sure little progress and here I thought I could join in the activity here.
I can't be here much today
I have couple of errands to run and it's going to be hard to find time, to visit MAF
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