AMF lounge v2.0

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If it's just 10 posts, I can be with you until then
After that I will come back again and may I know why you chose to include 600 extra posts?
that's because of the final statistics
i don't think we have counted before but due to one inactive week, instead of 200 posts average, we got just 100 posts average.
I didn't know that at all
For one whole week, we didn't post much? How come I don't know about this?
that's because you disappeared at that time rinko
and i was so worried about you too. i am glad that you came back. you are all my precious friends.
I understand and I am sorry.
Got caught up in a few things and you know how it works for me. I will try not to do that again.
We are always with you no matter what it is.
Don't worry about it too much and I think we hit the goalpost for today.
that's such a cliche thing to say lol.
but i think i can't be satisfied yet. how about another 10? then you can leave.
For you I will do it.
You sure do know how to make me think about this. So, how is your health now?
it's fine i think
probably that's why i posted so much out of nowhere and blackrose is in for a surprise.
I am sure she will be surprised.
I wish I could look at her face when she notices her alerts. She is very popular and you like her a lot. Don't you?
That's great to hear
I am a little hungry now and I can't prepare decent food even if my life depends on it.
lol that's funny.
i don't think you had ever put any effort before in cooking. and you should consider it now.
go and eat

Hi Rin, it's rare to see you at this hour

lol ok cool thank you so much you too.
and without you both i would have given up a long time ago already.
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