AMF lounge v2.0

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What is this progress?
I am just too shocked to even say I am surprised. Great going Angel
i can't let it pile up rinko
and i am glad you are here.
can you please help me out in at least meeting today's goal?
That I can do Angel.
But is it alright, if I come back after 30 minutes to do it? I will be here for sure.
then i am trusting you
i hope you and whitey can help me a little with the slack. i am tagging blackrose too.
I have observed that
That would be too many tags Angel and I bet she would feel down when looks at her alerts.
do you feel that way, if you see too many alerts blackrose?
i hope not sweetheart because i thought you would want to talk a lot with us here.
Don't take it that way
For me, it would seem like too much work if I get so many alerts in YO.
what about me?
do you feel that way, if you receive anything from me too? usually i reply to you a lot in bl section.
No Angel
Relax and like I said not here but in the other website and lately I haven't been logging in there at all.
More like I am having fun here.
The atmosphere is completely different and I am watching too many youtube videos too.
lol cool then
i am going to resume my replying to anime threads now rinko
or would you like to talk to me?
I would like that Angel
But I will be back later and got a few things to take care of first.
i understand then. go ahead
and by the time you come back, i might still be here or whitey will be here.
Then I am off.
See you Angel and I will be here tomorrow as well. You better come here too.
lol i wouldn't disappear now
i set those new goals remember and we will have to get 125 posts on both days without fail.
Sounds like a very solid plan and let's try to meet this month's goal without a hitch.
Good luck to us.
oh really?
i haven't noticed at all and that's good. i plan to make a few extra posts and save my energy for tomorrow.
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