Recent content by Tyrant

  1. Tyrant

    Happy New Year everyone :)

    Wish you all lots of drinks, parties and fun this year haha. I'm sorry if there's a thread about this somewhere else. I couldn't find it and since it's new year in IST, yolo~
  2. Tyrant

    It's been a while.

    Hey everyone! Just popped in really to say hi and hope you're all doing good. I haven't been active since ages, and yeah, that's about it. (most of you probably don't know me. I just saw a few familiar names, thought why not?)
  3. Tyrant

    Your longest marathon?

    Since this is an anime community(I hope), I think it's safe to assume most of us are anime fans(or addicts). Now that said, it'll be no surprise if some people among us do anime marathons every once in a while (or maybe everyday). By marathon, I mean watching anime from the beginning to...
  4. Tyrant

    What would be the worst super power to have?

    As the title suggests, think of a super power that anyone would rather not want. I'll start with a simple one...the power to feel extreme pain. Get innovative and think of a power you'd not want....
  5. Tyrant

    I hate these red bars..

    I'm seeing this pretty much everywhere ? Also, the custom onionhead smilies doesn't seem to show up at all. I hope this can get fixed.
  6. Tyrant

    Minato Vs Itachi

    Both of them are considered prodigies. Who do you think is better?
  7. Tyrant

    Snake Vs Shark

    As the title suggests, I'm talking about Orochimaru Vs Kisame...what are your thoughts on this fight and who do you think can turn victorious out of these two?
  8. Tyrant

    Change of Favicon?

    These are some favicons for the site that might look better than the one present right now. Consider them.. Number One ^ Looks like Number Two ^ Looks like Number Three ^ Looks like Number Four It's just a suggestion...
  9. Tyrant

    Favourite artwork of Berserk fans *SPOILERS*

    What are your favourite panels/artworks from the Manga written by Kentarou Miura named BERSERK? Just post them here. For me, it'll be: I'll be adding more as the story progresses..
  10. Tyrant

    Cowboy Bebop. Love it or not?

    For the people who've finished this episodic series, I'd like to know if you enjoyed Cowboy Bebop thoroughly or if it felt really boring at times to you. What did you think of the ending this anime presented and what rating would you give it on a 10 pt. scale?