Recent content by Logged

  1. Logged

    Favorite movies?

    What's your guys's favorite movies? I like 28 Days Later. It's pretty gruesome, but I like it for some reason lol
  2. Logged

    Windows 10 versus Windows 7

    So what do you guys prefer? Windows 10 or Windows 7? After using Windows 10 for a while I'd have to pick it. It feel cleaner and a lot easier to navigate. Although I hate how it automatically turns settings back on
  3. Logged

    Good plugin for website devs

    Look up FireBug to install on either FireFox or Google Chrome. It's software that lets you look at html while live viewing your sight and you can highlight certain regions to see what CSS code applies with it.
  4. Logged

    Video editing?

    Does anyone here edit videos? I've been doing it since about 2009. I enjoy it a lot! I also do GFX but I'm not as good at that.
  5. Logged

    Favorite childhood game

    What game, or games, did you guys most enjoy playing as a child? I played a starwars game on my Nintendo 64. Can't remember what it was called though.
  6. Logged

    New to anime and manga!

    So I'm new to anime and manga... What are some good suggestions for me to watch and read!?
  7. Logged


    So Radiohead released a new album not too long ago! And it sounds pretty dang good if you ask me! Here's my favorite song from it: [video=youtube] What do you guys think?
  8. Logged

    Boxing anime?

    So I've only watched one boxing anime, and I don't know of any others. I watched Hajime No Ippo and about 40 episodes in I stopped watching it. I like the show, idk why I stopped. Do you guys know any good boxing anime's?
  9. Logged


    Have you guys watched this show? It was the first and only anime I've ever watched all the way through! I liked it a lot actually. What did you guys think about it?
  10. Logged

    Thoughts on the new FitBits?

    So almost everyone I know is wearing those new FitBit things. Do you guys thing this is just some fashion fad, or do most of these people actually care and work hard to improve?
  11. Logged

    New member!

    Hey guys, Logged here! I don't really watch a whole bunch of anime, but I could maybe get into it! What are some of your favorites? I watched Hajime No Ippo and got to about 40 episodes, that was my favorite.