Well, we are losing badly... However, I don't really care as I believe GL is far older and bigger than MAF(twice in size and age.. And pretty much in every aspect).
If you have time do vote for MAF. Just don't focus on FP and post more on MAF kids. I have been very busy but I will try to be here more... Probably at the end of November... Until then I can't guarantee my activity. However if you need me, I will be here.
Here is the link if you would like to support MAF but at this point if time, it's almost pointless.... *Sigh
@Blackrose @DarkAngel @Ace @DiamondDust @Burnsy @MadaraUchiha @apathy @gemxtria and others.
If you have time do vote for MAF. Just don't focus on FP and post more on MAF kids. I have been very busy but I will try to be here more... Probably at the end of November... Until then I can't guarantee my activity. However if you need me, I will be here.
Here is the link if you would like to support MAF but at this point if time, it's almost pointless.... *Sigh
Elite Eight - Battle #61: MyAnimeForum.net vs. Gaming Latest (North Division)
2022 Site Battle Madness Elite Eight: Battle #61 MyAnimeForum.net submitted by @Claraviolet vs. Gaming Latest submitted by @Demon_skeith This poll will run for exactly five days. Good luck guys!

@Blackrose @DarkAngel @Ace @DiamondDust @Burnsy @MadaraUchiha @apathy @gemxtria and others.