Hola kids!
We will be getting a custom theme and our cool forum helper @apathy is willing to design us a custom theme. However he needs inputs like colour, images, anime names for the themes. So do let us know about your suggestions in this thread.
We would be getting something cool like this forum here:
Each forum will have an icon and a background of it's own.
@Burnsy @MadaraUchiha @Blackrose @Grungie @Kaname @Kaneki @Satoru @Itachi_Hero @gemxtria @Ace @Elvis @DarkAngel and others
We will be getting a custom theme and our cool forum helper @apathy is willing to design us a custom theme. However he needs inputs like colour, images, anime names for the themes. So do let us know about your suggestions in this thread.
We would be getting something cool like this forum here:

Forum list
Your one stop place for all things video games and content creation from the latest news to tips and help for live streamers and content creators. !
@Burnsy @MadaraUchiha @Blackrose @Grungie @Kaname @Kaneki @Satoru @Itachi_Hero @gemxtria @Ace @Elvis @DarkAngel and others