What Browser do you use?

Razor1911 said:
Chrome is my fav. Though I think Firefox is still better as it's fast and reliable. Atleast better than brave browser.

I used firefox a few years ago and it wasn't to bad
As a developer i use a few, chrome, firefox, opera, safari, i do find that chrome is more supportive when it comes to viewing websites compared to say the likes of firefox which i have noticed a few times when mozilla update firefox there can be a few bugs here and there. overall i do prefer to use chrome for most and firefox for other things.
For the longest time, I was using Google Chrome but decided to move to the new version of Microsoft Edge when that was released. For a while, I was using that but unfortunately, it became too heavy for my PC and I ended up looking into Opera GX.

Opera GX I found ran smooth on my PC and also had so much more added that I could make use of so now my default browser is Opera GX :)
I use Safari as my main browser on my phone, but Google chrome is my go to browser when I’m on a computer.

I also like Brave since it has a built in ad blocker.