
This anime .... 

this .... anime ....

this ...


This anime , called watamote , it's not even a disturbing hentai or ecchi or harem and yet  ... I'm so cringed by it . This anime made me want to bang my head against the wall so many times and there were time where I felt like wanting to kill myself :S
What is it about? You haven't mentioned anything about the actual plot of the series.
It's an okay anime, lots of fun moments and all. The humor is centered around awkwardness of the main character, a school girl, who is very shy, yet she wants to be popular. This type of humor tends to make people feel uncomfortable, but that is what this type of shows goes for. Its too much for some people though, including the topic poster, evidently :D
Sindar said:
It's an okay anime, lots of fun moments and all. The humor is centered around awkwardness of the main character, a school girl, who is very shy, yet she wants to be popular. This type of humor tends to make people feel uncomfortable, but that is what this type of shows goes for. Its too much for some people though, including the topic poster, evidently :D

I have never heard of the anime but does it have gore human?
I am addicted to blood and I would love to see lots of it.
Vampire said:
I have never heard of the anime but does it have gore human?
I am addicted to blood and I would love to see lots of it.

Watch Baccano then, its both interesting and gory. Watamote is a slice of life comedy, there is no violence of blood in it (I haven't seen the who show, but never the less).
Sindar said:
Watch Baccano then, its both interesting and gory. Watamote is a slice of life comedy, there is no violence of blood in it (I haven't seen the who show, but never the less).

baccano ain't that a slice of genre too bro? or is it durara?
i am at lost but i swear one out of those two are of slice of life genre.
Sebastian said:
baccano ain't that a slice of genre too bro? or is it durara?
i am at lost but i swear one out of those two are of slice of life genre.

Both are action pieces I believe. Baccano is not a slice of life for sure :p
Sindar said:
Both are action pieces I believe. Baccano is not a slice of life for sure :p

that's a surprise bro.
i will see it then. i don't like boring slice of genre anime.
Sebastian said:
that's a surprise bro.
i will see it then. i don't like boring slice of genre anime.

I remember you said you also don't like blood and violence, and both are there in Baccano :p
Sindar said:
I remember you said you also don't like blood and violence, and both are there in Baccano :p

i forgot about it.
i thought it's gonna be awesome as it doesn't belong to the slice of life genre.
Hahah Watamote. I have yet to finish it. It is quite interesting. She is not that likeable, she thinks lowly of others and she is so bad speaking her mind that things come out wrong.
The ideas is that this chick wants to use the new school as a platform to launch herself as a popular girl. However because she sucks at social interaction and can't relate to her peers she usually is ignored or found out doing something that without context just makes her look like a weirdo. She constantly projects her bad luck on everything and everyone else. She goes to extreme lengths to try to achieve results and her imagination flies wild making her lose grip of reality at times.

Something that draws me to it is how it portraits our darkest moments through her. For example her chain of thoughts are very relatable.
one of my favourite parts is when after school she goes to pick her umbrella and is not where she usually leaves it, so she start getting angry while thinking about how rude of whoever took it and how he must be happily skipping around not thinking about the poor girl he's leaving to walk under the fierce rain. Her thoughts keep growing louder and more violent and then ... she realises that she just put it in another place that day. Whoops.

The thing is that there is not real progression. The episodes are self contained and when it seems someone did something nice or something nice happened, by the end of the episode reveals a twist that changes things, usually something she overlooked.

Some people enjoy the humour and some other just feel disturbed or bad for the poor girl and cannot find the point in the series. I guess watching a few episodes is enough to decide if you'd find it enjoyable or not.
Sindar said:
Watch Baccano then, its both interesting and gory. Watamote is a slice of life comedy, there is no violence of blood in it (I haven't seen the who show, but never the less).

Baccon looks promising.
Just think of me when you find a violent anime, human.

I remember seeing an anime human where a murderer places his victim bodies in fountains and other things as "art". Are you by any chance referring to that?
Vampire said:
I remember seeing an anime human where a murderer places his victim bodies in fountains and other things as "art". Are you by any chance referring to that?

You are talking about Psycho Pass, right? No I was not referring to it.
Sindar said:
You are talking about Psycho Pass, right? No I was not referring to it.

I don't remember much human but I remember some pieces? Does this psycho pass scenery involves a fountain, museum?

Was there any blood human?
i remember seeing blood in the fountain