Vicarious Embarrassment / Fremdscham


Well-known member
Is this something you deal with? Basically, it comes down to feeling embarrassed when you read / watch something you think is embarrassing. Watching a character confess, reading about something semi-lewd, all stuff like that or other things that might embarrass you. Basically, second-hand embarrassment. I have it a lot, and it results in me looking away, or pausing the anime for a  bit, stuff like that. Anyone else?
I actually have a hard time dealing with second hand embarrassment. I either have to force myself to sit through that scene, distract myself or skip that scene entirely. And this has happened a lot of times.
MadaraUchiha said:
I actually have a hard time dealing with second hand embarrassment. I either have to force myself to sit through that scene, distract myself or skip that scene entirely. And this has happened a lot of times.

Same. I literally have times when I'll just go and sit on my hands. XD
sometimes when they scene is just so funny and i feel bad for the character who feels sad.
it's different and let's just say two girls like the same guy and the guy likes one of them and when they make out on the screen making the other girl watch, themlm i feel bad for her and embarrassed with witness their make out as well