Summer Wars Anime Movie Discussion

So I watched this movie ages ago after watching gigguk's review of it but I thought it didn't really have much of a point. It's a family friendly movie with some slice of life and fantasy action but at the end of the day I never thought you'd miss anything if you didn't watch it.
BurnsyCEO said:
So I watched this movie ages ago after watching gigguk's review of it but I thought it didn't really have much of a point. It's a family friendly movie with some slice of life and fantasy action but at the end of the day I never thought you'd miss anything if you didn't watch it.
It's pretty much the same for me but I like contained stuff that are under 2 hours long so I'd rather watch this than a full length series for example.
Was this a group watch? I don't keep up with it but I plan to watch this eventually like a lot of things lol.
Risk said:
Was this a group watch? I don't keep up with it but I plan to watch this eventually like a lot of things lol.
Yeah we've selected 5 movies for this month. There's already a thread for the first one, Sword of the Stranger. This is the second.

The rest are Perfect Blue, 5cm/s and Children who chase lost voices.