Shaurya said:Okay O_O
I changed my signature -. -X-Caster said:Your signature isn't showing. Maybe you should get that check out by a doctor or something.
Shaurya said:I changed my signature -. -X-Caster said:Your signature isn't showing. Maybe you should get that check out by a doctor or something.
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Гитара и голос вдруг умолкли. Но прежде всего он просто испугался, ведь наша работа в блоке "Г" заключалась в том, чтобы свести шум к минимуму, а шум и Перси были неразлучны.
Shaurya said:I liked my previous signature better but Claraviolet was like "What kind of a mod uses a signature that says 'weaklings can't pick their way of death'? >.< " So I changed it :crying: But yeah, it is a great quote :full:
That quote from Hunters sounds great =) I am looking forward to reading the manga. When is it going to be released?
You deserve praise *pat pat* The only thing I can draw is a stick man :facewall:X-Caster said:Oh stop it!!! :blush: you're killing me with flatter. We start draw and converting it on the 23rd and after we're finished in a few days. We dont know where to post it. We thought of inkblazer but we're not sure if that's the best place.
Shaurya said:You deserve praise *pat pat* The only thing I can draw is a stick man :facewall:X-Caster said:Oh stop it!!! :blush: you're killing me with flatter. We start draw and converting it on the 23rd and after we're finished in a few days. We dont know where to post it. We thought of inkblazer but we're not sure if that's the best place.
I haven't even heard of inkblazer before -.-'' Good luck with finding the best place (^.^)b
Hope you figure that out then =)X-Caster said:I was thinking manga fox. But I couldn't figure out how to. I know you can, but its confusing. And the best part about it is that they get over 7m hits weekly.
Shaurya said:Hope you figure that out then =)X-Caster said:I was thinking manga fox. But I couldn't figure out how to. I know you can, but its confusing. And the best part about it is that they get over 7m hits weekly.
X-Caster said:This is the worst one I've ever seen. @[smoker] [Albert Newton] @[Star_Of_Hope] @[Shaurya]
smoker said:X-Caster said:This is the worst one I've ever seen. @[smoker] [Albert Newton] @[Star_Of_Hope] @[Shaurya]
too long 0_o damm him
X-Caster said:smoker said:X-Caster said:This is the worst one I've ever seen. @[smoker] [Albert Newton] @[Star_Of_Hope] @[Shaurya]
too long 0_o damm him
Lmao. I couldn't even quote it.
smoker said:X-Caster said:smoker said:X-Caster said:This is the worst one I've ever seen. @[smoker] [Albert Newton] @[Star_Of_Hope] @[Shaurya]
too long 0_o damm him
Lmao. I couldn't even quote it.
if you did quote him it will take 1min to reach reply box xD
smoker said:9 pic in one post 0_o he is crazy...whats the maximum text limit?
X-Caster said:smoker said:9 pic in one post 0_o he is crazy...whats the maximum text limit?
I wish I knew.
smoker said:X-Caster said:smoker said:9 pic in one post 0_o he is crazy...whats the maximum text limit?
I wish I knew.
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