Pick 3 pokemon.


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If you could pick 3 pokemon who can live with you in real life, which pokemon would you pick.

These pokemon doesn't necessarily have to be powerful. You can pick any pokemon, as long as you are willing to take care of it, in real life.

My list would be..

1. Togeppi.
2. Corsola.
3. Pickachu.

So, share your list, everyone?
Corsola is a cute coral-based Pokemon, wadda you mean you don't know it?

As for me, definitely Vaporeon since it's my favorite Pokemon.

Togepi is adorable.

Torchic is also my favorite starter so I'll choose that. Also, it's a cute Pokemon, and also birds.
MisaTange said:
Corsola is a cute coral-based Pokemon, wadda you mean you don't know it?

As for me, definitely Vaporeon since it's my favorite Pokemon.

Togepi is adorable.

Torchic is also my favorite starter so I'll choose that. Also, it's a cute Pokemon, and also birds.

Yeah. It's good to have a flying type pokemon.
Torchic isn't even considered a flying type Pokemon though. It looks like a bird without wings.
Bulbasaur so I wouldn't need to cut my grass again, Pickachu for when the electric goes and errr Hypno just because I could annoy people with him.
It would probably have to be an alakazam (one of my favorite psychic type pokemon), Haunter (my favorite ghost type pokemon) and Vaporeon (my favorite water-type pokemon). What I would do with them in the real world... I have no idea...
NightBaron said:
Star_Of_Hope said:

I haven't watched pokemon for years now :(
Well, so that's an evolved pokemon then :D

I am not that into pokemon.
I only saw "rock, miss t and ash's adventures" and some movies with legendary pokemon.
After that, I got bored of ash moving on his own, by leaving his friends behind, every time.
Well, it was good but not anymore :D
Wow. The only name I remember is Pikachu XDD
And no. I don't want any pokemon. I would rather have Marco's recovery abilities or a tailed beast :3 