November group watch anime recommendations

Rinko said:
We can only select one anime
What would you like to select now for the next month, gemxtria?

Speaking of Hackers in the other thread, maybe Ghost in the shell
I would like to recommend an anime too man
Give me some time to think about it and it's great to see all of you trying to revive this group watch
Kaname said:
It's a good anime man
Where did you hear about it? I don't see anyone talking about it and it's an old anime

Star of Hope, she always promote that series whenever she got the chance lol well.. i did Google it and it looks promising
Kaname said:
It's a good anime man
Where did you hear about it? I don't see anyone talking about it and it's an old anime
I should add it to my list, i'm struggling to find anything to watch at the moment
I've watched Plastic Memories too so I'm open to discussing it. I've stopped watching anime for now so not sure I'll participate this month
i would like to recommend seven days here
but that's a manga and i wish we could remove the group read too. it's more effective