Did the manga completely adapt the game? Manga adaptations tend to be incomplete a lot of times.
Higurashi season 1 functions as more of a thriller, it's full of questions and characters don't know what's going on. Season 2 is a mystery, with the characters trying to find answers.
The first half of Erased was a good guessing game, but, they gave away the 'plot twist' in the beginning of the second half so that was a major let-down.
Is Kubikiri episodic or does it have a narrative(I'm cool with both)?
Better than Moribito? One of the things that Moribito impressed me with were the combat sequences, so, that's great. Pus, Tempest is a Bones show and action(or rather, animation and direction) is something they've never disappointed me with. Even in a mundane and boring show like Gosick.
I'm interested in Index, since it seems to have a lot of neat ideas, but Index and Railgun together span 100 episodes, so that's just... a lot. You gonna watch Index season 3? I think it starts this year.
Well, there's one character in particular, who sort of tries to be a version of Makishima Shogo, say, a good guy version, who's gathered an army or rebellion force under him. He throws around quotes like Shogo, trying to appear charismatic, but it comes across as being terribly cheesy. The quotes themselves don't make sense.
I don't know for sure, but I think it did. It is very detailed, follows no particular format and was drawn by different artists, I see no reason why they would want to omit any part of the original story. No time constrains, no format constrains, a huge easy angered fanbase, sounds like a good idea to stick to the original as close as possible =)
Well the second iteration of the story (I am talking about these time cycles) is already giving off that sense of a solvable mystery story. It doesn't give away enough evidence though. But it is the same with Umineko, you can't solve it from the get go, you can only test some theories here and there.
I see =) Perfect Insider might be one of these too, though I haven't seen it.
It is not, it is has a continuous plot. It is a single mystery story, as far as I can tell. Apparently it is the first work by the guy who wrote Monogatari and some other relatively famous series. The Kubikiri novel even won some kind of award.
Moribito has a few great fights, with realistic choreography and such. There were some pretty bad ones too, like the Jiguro's final fight. And the final battle against supernatural things felt completely out of place and questionable. I feel like you can rewrite the Jiguro's fight as well as redo the whole ending, possibly removing that whole fight against the earth spirits (or what they were called) and get a better anime. That is what I mean =)
Tempest looks pretty great at times. I watched it from a streaming site, so I missed on the crisp visuals, but even there were moments where I wanted to make screenshots.
I've seen 6 episodes of the first season of Index, I believe this covered the first novel and it has a very conclusive ending. So I stopped there : D The show didn't give me a reason to watch more. I liked the way this arc ended, it was pretty cool, worth watching. I might watch more one day, but I have no plans yet. It is such a typical shonen show, with all sorts of silliness, I am usually trying to avoid these.
Okay, I can see how that could be annoying.