League of Legends.


So one of my favourite games of all time is League of Legends. It's been a popular MOBA game for a long time and is available on PC (however, I have heard of plans for a mobile version but haven't really been following this). I've played it for a few years now but don't really play it competitively (so ranked and all that).

I don't play ranked much as I just want to have fun while playing and try out different strategies too. Mainly, I play normal 5v5 games and sometimes ARAM (which is a shorter version of 5v5). Occasionally, they have fun gamemodes (URF, ARURF and Blood Moon just to name some) which I also play if a good one is out. 

They also have a gamemode called Teamfight Tactics (TFT) but I don't really like that mode.

My most preferred position is Top lane or Support, however I can play ADC or Mid if needed (prefer not to play jungle). Champions that I play are Blitzcrank, Darius, Thresh and Mordekaiser although I have a little bit of knowledge on each champion and their builds/runes.

Anyone else here play league of legends? My account is BDON33 on EUW if anyone wants to add me.
i tried both TFT and LoL but am not good at either i'll stick to my mmo's and such
I used to play dota 2 which is similar. Got good at it too. I was something like top 1% in mmr at my peak. But mobas are a good way to flush your youth down a toilet. Glad I quit it.