Is Anyone Aware of Some Good Manga Sites?

JdR2V said:
Up until last week I would recommended MangaRock, but it's going down in a couple of days apparently, if you download the app (Unlimited ver.) then is ok. Now i recommend Mangakakalot, it has the popular ones and a looooot of less known series :D

Wait what is happening to mangarock? I love that site
Blackrose said:
Seriously a site rebranding ?
hmmm gotta remember that then...thanks for the info :)
Is not just a re branding, they are closing the reader MangaRock to go "legal"- there's the full explanation, but the Manga Rock Ultimate app will still work as long as they keep the servers up.
JdR2V said:
Is not just a re branding, they are closing the reader MangaRock to go "legal"- there's the full explanation, but the Manga Rock Ultimate app will still work as long as they keep the servers up.

hmm I see
SO then basically no more manga rock..sighss
Sonickorb said:
Death Parade I have heard of and it is on my to watch list after mob psycho and demon slayer. I have never heard of death billiards though. When I looked it up it came up with Death Parade, I suppose its part of that series? I completely forgot about it to be honest, I really need to watch it. Also, What was it you didn't like about Killing Stalking as I am debating on whether I should read it or not? Is it worth it?

(I just realised I can turn on Emails when receiving a reply to notify me. Now I should respond faster)
yes death parade had over reasons with almost the same core story.
killing stalking is about two people who are insane. it put me on edge and i didn't know when they would kill someone. i don't want to read anything like it again. i would never recommend it to anyone.
thank you. i will expect a fast response this time
Blackangel said:
yes death parade had over reasons with almost the same core story.
killing stalking is about two people who are insane. it put me on edge and i didn't know when they would kill someone. i don't want to read anything like it again. i would never recommend it to anyone.
thank you. i will expect a fast response this time
Alright by the sounds of it, Killing Stalling was pretty messed up. I suppose it just goes too far. Thanks, I think I'll stay away from killing stalking then. I plan on watching some death parade soon though. I looked into it a bit more and I am already looking forward to it.
Sonickorb said:
Alright by the sounds of it, Killing Stalling was pretty messed up. I suppose it just goes too far. Thanks, I think I'll stay away from killing stalking then. I plan on watching some death parade soon though. I looked into it a bit more and I am already looking forward to it.
yes. i never should have started but i couldn't drop it in the middle as i wanted to know, how they would end up.
they have killed people and they needed to get punished for that. let me know what you think of death parade
Sonickorb said:
After I have watched it, I shall report back here then. So I'll probably be back tomorrow ?
i will be looking forward to it
if you have any recommendations for me, i would like to take them as well
that's great
i haven't watched many of the series that you have mentioned. do you watch long series? like one piece, naruto?
Blackangel said:
that's great
i haven't watched many of the series that you have mentioned. do you watch long series? like one piece, naruto?
I haven't but I may. They are so long I dont know if I will ever get the time to catch up. I started watching Detective Conan at one point. It was good I just dont have the time. Unless Sword Art Online counts, as that is quite long? I dont get all the hate towards SAO, its definitely not the best anime but its good, doesnt deserve the hate that its getting.
Sonickorb said:
I haven't but I may. They are so long I dont know if I will ever get the time to catch up. I started watching Detective Conan at one point. It was good I just dont have the time. Unless Sword Art Online counts, as that is quite long? I dont get all the hate towards SAO, its definitely not the best anime but its good, doesnt deserve the hate that its getting.
i haven't watched detective conan but i do plan to watch it.
i didn't like sword art online too. sorry. have you watched log horizon? or any other isekai anime? kirito had become a god by the end of it and many people didn't like it
Blackangel said:
i haven't watched detective conan but i do plan to watch it.
i didn't like sword art online too. sorry. have you watched log horizon? or any other isekai anime? kirito had become a god by the end of it and many people didn't like it
i haven't watched konosuba.
it's been sitting in my list like forever. i like other genres a lot too. many people didn't like the ending. he was a loser in real life but got popularity. first season even hinted incest which is a big downfall for it. second season is even bad. it doesn't have any good fights and all the time, asuna was playing damsel in distress
Blackangel said:
i haven't watched konosuba.
it's been sitting in my list like forever. i like other genres a lot too. many people didn't like the ending. he was a loser in real life but got popularity. first season even hinted incest which is a big downfall for it. second season is even bad. it doesn't have any good fights and all the time, asuna was playing damsel in distress
Thats true, Asuna is VERY annoying. The two aren't related about the incest thing, but its still weird, I agree. Season 2 cant hae been very good either as I dont really remember it. But I still think the 1st and 3rd season are good. But for the 3rd season, Eugeo sucks, there isnt much Asuna, its nice. I still dont think it deserves the full hate its getting though, but I do understand your points.
Since you dislike the popularity and god part of sao, its very contradictory to Konosuba, so if you do have time, I highly recommend that you check it out.
Sonickorb said:
Thats true, Asuna is VERY annoying. The two aren't related about the incest thing, but its still weird, I agree. Season 2 cant hae been very good either as I dont really remember it. But I still think the 1st and 3rd season are good. But for the 3rd season, Eugeo sucks, there isnt much Asuna, its nice. I still dont think it deserves the full hate its getting though, but I do understand your points.
Since you dislike the popularity and god part of sao, its very contradictory to Konosuba, so if you do have time, I highly recommend that you check it out.
thank you for understanding.
i never liked kirito much may be because of that, i don't like that series. i will watch konosuba. i do recommend hai to grimgar anime for you. it's very good