because strong females are not really attractive? or maybe you like the small petite "i need a man", not strong physically type? now here the deal, since i'm really independant, i know for a fact, that a lot of guys were afraid of me, the fact that i can use a drill, hit the nails where they are supposed to be, i do not run away from bugs... and i think the whole part of a typical woman is a bunch of bs stereotypes.... if a woman would not be independant in every aspect she will never manage to live properly, a woman needs to work, get her education, but let's go back to the historical part of it, there were many strong and fearsome female fighters in the history of mankind, some were even considered worth a 1,000 men! like one Japanese Onnabugeisha, Tomoe Gozen! but besides the point here... women in the past worked very hard so women today can have more rights, physically, men and women will never match, a man will always be stronger... 95% of the time. but strong women shouldn't be feared of or nor appreciated, they are a by product of what the society needed in the past and now... on the other hand... so many women that have so many rights! flush that right down the toilet... seeking to depend on a man with money, displaying her self in a demeaning matter... acting like... well you know what they act like... i hate this generation... no one appreciates the people who gave their lives so that you as a man and I as a woman can sit with our faces stuck in the screen of a mobile phone or a computer and speak freely about everything we like without ant restrictions... sorry... this is long... but the point is, i appreciate people who can appreciate other people regardless of their gender, let alone religion or country of origin.