I deleted all the broken and trash themes.


V.I.P. Member
And renamed the only ones we should be using to keep it simple. From now on, I will only be adding themes and not changing the current one. Meaning you will be able to use any old theme any time if you want.

Also I might make customs themes for a few people with their own backgrounds since everybody finds something to whine about in every bg.
thank you so much
i highly appreciate this a lot and i can't wait to see the new themes we will be having
Is there a possibility for everyone to get their own theme?
I never heard users getting their own themes, in other forums before.
Rinko said:
Is there a possibility for everyone to get their own theme?
I never heard users getting their own themes, in other forums before.

It's not for everyone just the more loyal ones.

Demon_skeith said:
The custom themes sound great, hopefully you find time for them.

Time is slightly tight, would take a little while to pump them out.
Good idea to remove the broken ones...ima whine a bit more though since I still can't see lelouche anywhere XD
Is it possible for me to get a custom Itachi theme kiddo? ><
This is my official request.
is there a way to determine a loyal member?
i want to know if you will make one for me or not and you haven't even acknowledge my request
Blackangel said:
is there a way to determine a loyal member?
i want to know if you will make one for me or not and you haven't even acknowledge my request

I will decide and since you've been behaving you will get it.
Blackangel said:
is there a way to determine a loyal member?
i want to know if you will make one for me or not and you haven't even acknowledge my request

It's up to the staff.
Please note that it's their talent and they have every right to decide to whom they would like to make a theme.