Forum games are not included in the board statistics anymore


Staff member
Clara excluded the forum games post count from the board statistics. Now, those posts will no longer effect the board statistics.

So, everyone, please post in other sections rather than in forum games section.

Thank you,

Yours AMF team
Servo said:
They nowhere count lol

They do count.
Even they not for in users post count, in other forums, they count in the board statistics. Admins and mods use them to show off their activity in the forum. As we have a goal we thought we don't need such tactics anymore :D
Clara added a special plugin to exclude them from the board statistics.
Servo said:
They nowhere count lol

Come on servo ._.
AS got 161659 posts and excluding forum games, you guys have 14,347 genuine posts and only in forums games section, you have 93,496 posts.
Hidden posts, probably staff section have around 53,816 posts as I can't see these posts, anywhere in the forum.

The forum scripts are built that way. Even if you exclude the post count from users, it will still effect the board statistics.
I don't want AMF users to focus on that section, as it doesn't add quality to AMF.
Our forum games section got 8,234 posts and with the help of a plugin, I have excluded those posts, as our motto is quality over quantity.
Hope I have cleared the doubts here :D
Lol my staff wanted it not to be counted , so its not counted AS was in past no1 dubbed anime download site , in past if you google dubbed anime download AS would pop up as number 1 our nearest rival was Kametsu and they still provide dubbed downloads ..

I wanted to make a legitimate website so when I took over AS i decided to remove anime download section and thus in 2015 finally we removed Anime DL section, that is the primary reason AS has so many members and post count.

AS is moving in a new direction and that will be revealed very soon

I'm not saying that you should include forum games to increase post count or activity, you just have to answer one question , WHY your forums exist, for me AS exist where people can have fun and enjoy there online time and life is such a drag never easy always bringing tough challenges so I want people to enjoy their online just relax and put off their real life worries and for this I think forums games are a lot fun. I don't care about post count but I want every post of member to count because he/she takes his/her time out to post and this post should always count regardless forum game or an anime talk ... Time is a valuable thing and we can pay them back only buy counting their contribution ..

this is my view , I believe as admin I'm not here to make a website for me , to make me happy , I make websites so that people can enjoy themselves and Yes I'm no one to judge how should they enjoy within the rules obviously , AS is an all ages forum

and by my commenting "They nowhere count lol" i was actually referring to myself because they don't count on AS as well , sorry for not being very clear , look like we are even clara hahahaha
Servo said:
Lol my staff wanted it not to be counted , so its not counted AS was in past no1 dubbed anime download site , in past if you google dubbed anime download AS would pop up as number 1 our nearest rival was Kametsu and they still provide dubbed downloads ..

I wanted to make a legitimate website so when I took over AS i decided to remove anime download section and thus in 2015 finally we removed Anime DL section, that is the primary reason AS has so many members and post count.

AS is moving in a new direction and that will be revealed very soon

I'm not saying that you should include forum games to increase post count or activity, you just have to answer one question , WHY your forums exist, for me AS exist where people can have fun and enjoy there online time and life is such a drag never easy always bringing tough challenges so I want people to enjoy their online just relax and put off their real life worries and for this I think forums games are a lot fun. I don't care about post count but I want every post of member to count because he/she takes his/her time out to post and this post should always count regardless forum game or an anime talk ... Time is a valuable thing and we can pay them back only buy counting their contribution ..

this is my view , I believe as admin I'm not here to make a website for me , to make me happy , I make websites so that people can enjoy themselves and Yes I'm no one to judge how should they enjoy within the rules obviously , AS is an all ages forum

and by my commenting "They nowhere count lol" i was actually referring to myself because they don't count on AS as well , sorry for not being very clear , look like we are even clara hahahaha
@Claraviolet , Don't even think about including them in the board statistics again. Forum games are inactive and I want them to stay that way.
As for servo, we provide quality discussions for all the anime fans. It is an entertainment website still we care about curse words, and NSFW content. We want to provide a place where all the anime fans enjoy themselves by talking about anime.
Forum games are fun but they are not legitimate posts. So, we are not going to count them in AMF. I don't know what AS is but I think it's another forum. Clara if you spend too much time on other forums, when compared to AMF, I am not going to let that slide this time. Your activity recently improved and I don't want you to become inactive again.
This place improved a lot and a member donated a premium theme for the forum. Do you know what that means? Please treasure this place. As you are the only technician in our forum, please look after AMF
I mean I was not suggesting or influencing Clara to include forums games in post count , I was just merely giving my opinion and in doing so it felt like I was creating a void here so I apologized
Servo said:
I mean I was not suggesting or influencing Clara to include forums games in post count , I was just merely giving my opinion and in doing so it felt like I was creating a void here so I apologized

Feel free to speak off your mind here, servo.
It's just fine :D
Star_Of_Hope said:
Feel free to speak off your mind here, servo.
It's just fine :D

Well, I guess it was a misunderstanding......He thought that in post #6, you were speaking to him, but, in actuality, you were speaking to Clara, right?
MadaraUchiha said:
Well, I guess it was a misunderstanding......He thought that in post #6, you were speaking to him, but, in actuality, you were speaking to Clara, right?

That post was meant for both of them.
alakazam said:
I never post in the forum games section, so it doesn't affect me anyways.

Me neither but I don't think this is a good idea.
Only this forum is not counting those posts and 8,000 posts are a big deal :cheers:
KuranKaname said:
Me neither but I don't think this is a good idea.
Only this forum is not counting those posts and 8,000 posts are a big deal :cheers:

I don't think it's a good idea either. I usually prefer that all forum sections have countable posts, but it's Clara's decision, so let's not argue with her...
alakazam said:
I don't think it's a good idea either. I usually prefer that all forum sections have countable posts, but it's Clara's decision, so let's not argue with her...

Then we should speak about it.
We are avoiding the topic and only admins can take the decision in this situation.
i thought you guys deleted posts accidentally, when i saw that counter.
i agree with quality but not even the biggest sites implement this my lady xD
KuranKaname said:
Then we should speak about it.
We are avoiding the topic and only admins can take the decision in this situation.
Well, we do take users opinions but think about it.
The posts shown in those statistics are quality posts :D
Sebastian said:
i thought you guys deleted posts accidentally, when i saw that counter.
i agree with quality but not even the biggest sites implement this my lady xD

Well, it's claraviolet's proposal.
If it doesn't work out well, we can always include them again.
Star_Of_Hope said:
Well, we do take users opinions but think about it.
The posts shown in those statistics are quality posts :D

Well, it's claraviolet's proposal.
If it doesn't work out well, we can always include them again.

we can, my lady?
it isn't permanent then? xD
that's reassuring xD
Star_Of_Hope said:
Well, we do take users opinions but think about it.
The posts shown in those statistics are quality posts :D

Well, it's claraviolet's proposal.
If it doesn't work out well, we can always include them again.

Even if they are quality posts, people wouldn't like that decision.
Why would you want to do it, when it pleases no one? :cheers: