Lol my staff wanted it not to be counted , so its not counted AS was in past no1 dubbed anime download site , in past if you google dubbed anime download AS would pop up as number 1 our nearest rival was Kametsu and they still provide dubbed downloads ..
I wanted to make a legitimate website so when I took over AS i decided to remove anime download section and thus in 2015 finally we removed Anime DL section, that is the primary reason AS has so many members and post count.
AS is moving in a new direction and that will be revealed very soon
I'm not saying that you should include forum games to increase post count or activity, you just have to answer one question , WHY your forums exist, for me AS exist where people can have fun and enjoy there online time and life is such a drag never easy always bringing tough challenges so I want people to enjoy their online just relax and put off their real life worries and for this I think forums games are a lot fun. I don't care about post count but I want every post of member to count because he/she takes his/her time out to post and this post should always count regardless forum game or an anime talk ... Time is a valuable thing and we can pay them back only buy counting their contribution ..
this is my view , I believe as admin I'm not here to make a website for me , to make me happy , I make websites so that people can enjoy themselves and Yes I'm no one to judge how should they enjoy within the rules obviously , AS is an all ages forum
and by my commenting "They nowhere count lol" i was actually referring to myself because they don't count on AS as well , sorry for not being very clear , look like we are even clara hahahaha