Final statistics thread V2.0

White_Tiger_Of_Lunar_Mountain said:
Call me whatever you want haha.. Angel call me whitey. I'll use this name for a while, maybe a month or two

That's a long time.
It's a little difficult to use the full name a lot.
White_Tiger_Of_Lunar_Mountain said:
Awww why not? I want to create one for Angel, she need new name haha..

She likes being called the twin for Blackrose.
I wonder if they are going to change their names anytime soon.
Rinko said:
She likes being called the twin for Blackrose.
I wonder if they are going to change their names anytime soon.

Rose won't change her name. Why don't you use Blackrinko? So there will be three of you haha..
White_Tiger_Of_Lunar_Mountain said:
Rose won't change her name. Why don't you use Blackrinko? So there will be three of you haha..

That doesn't sound too appealing to me.
I am not into being a twin like them.
White_Tiger_Of_Lunar_Mountain said:
That's a good idea, drop by and jump in, it's always nice to talk with you

I see
Thank you for the feedback and I will try to make more interesting threads too.
Star_Of_Hope said:
I do agree with that
We don't have to stop just because we have reached the daily goal progress

I always promote this. Yesterday i told Angel to continue because the mood is good haha.. poor Angel she was sleepy