[quote="BurnsyCEO" pid='132688' dateline='1555329702']
I'm sure plenty of people like shogo makishima. And even if you don't like him he's a very well written character. There's also kyubey, Johan liebert, and Satou from ajin to name a few. They're not written to be unlikeable even though they might do evil things. You can feel any emotions towards an antagonist besides dislike. From fear, to respect, to secretly rooting for them. That's what makes a great villan stand out from a typical one.
I got it man.
I never liked any antagonists but you just opened a new line of thought for me
[quote="MadaraUchiha" pid='132703' dateline='1555334900']
I don't hate her either I really like her I was just explaining stuff to her. I pretty much like every character from Bake except maybe Nadeko who only truly shines in Monogatari SS.
An antagonist isn't meant to be unlikeable. His actions and his motivations have to be in conflict with the protagonist. Whether it's right or wrong is up to the discretion of the viewer.
IMO even Madara is a charismatic antagonist and people did like him but the hero is Naruto here not him.
It's about understanding the motivations of the antagonist and knowing that his reasons sort of make sense but in most cases the antagonist has twisted it in such a way that it's no longer just or reasonable. Case in point, somebody like Zabuza.
Thanks man and I didn't like Madara.