Dragon Ball Super Broly


Yeah! Dragon Ball Super!!

No need to make another introduction, everyone know Dragon Ball. So let's skip the formality, let's get straight to the point, this movie is continuation of Dragon Ball Super after the Tournament of Power

It's about Broly!! Yes the real Broly, not the fake one *cough *cough Kale. So after a long time Broly is canon character, Akira Toriyama actually re-write Broly, now he got personality and his back story is not stupid like the original one haha.. gotta admit original Broly is look cool but also stupid af

Really.. this new Broly is not a bland and boring character, well.. not that great either but compare compared to the original one, he's more 'colorful'

Okay enough about Broly, now we talk about the story. Well.. to be honest, it's Dragon Ball what you expect? Haha.. the story is not good but it's understandable because Dragon Ball sell action than story, and they are doing a good job about it, the action is pretty good and satisfying. The animation is also pretty good, it's up to date so i don't have to explain again haha..

So Dragon Super Broly is a good movie. Plenty of action and cool fighting scenes, of you're Dragon Ball fans then you must watch it, if you're action fans then it's better if you watch it
BurnsyCEO said:
I made a thread about this movie already. Search for it.

Haha.. you right i didn't search it, okay you can delete this, no point having duplicate thread, i'll posting there