Did you lose interest in anime too? I did.


V.I.P. Member
Don't really find anime interesting and I'm just watching the ones that get a sequel occasionally and the ones that maybe get rave reviews. It's still so childish and (hot take) western animation blows it out of the water.
i think lol
but sometimes I always end up watching one or two anime after like 3-7 months. but the latest trend of 12 episodes of also a factor is getting distant with anime
Hope you watched Hazbin hotel. I recommended it with you in mind. You'll see what I'm talking about regarding western animations.
Hope you watched Hazbin hotel. I recommended it with you in mind. You'll see what I'm talking about regarding western animations.
no but i plan to lol.
i remember the trailer you have posted before and yes it was really interesting.
i think lol
but sometimes I always end up watching one or two anime after like 3-7 months. but the latest trend of 12 episodes of also a factor is getting distant with anime
Most anime being 12 episodes isn't a trend, that's been the case since the late 90s. It's a good thing anime are "only" 12 episodes now as there were way fewer anime coming out when the expectation was that every show would be 25-50 episodes or more. There were seasons in the 90s with only 5 new TV anime, where as now we get 40-50 new TV anime every season and the shorter episode length is a big reason for that.

As for the topic, yes I have lost massive amounts of interest in anime over the last several years and there are tons of reasons for that. The significant decrease in the amount of fanservice and nudity is one of the main reasons as well as the significant increase in the amount of censorship. Anime aren't even uncensored for the home release version now days either which means there isn't an uncensored version of basically any anime that's come out in the 2020s. Most anime look terrible visually now as well as companies seem to be getting lazier and outsourcing more and more of the work. American companies like Crunchyroll have gotten on the production committee for more and more anime and it isn't a coincidence that American politics have now found their way into a bunch of anime in recent years. Anime used to be made 100% for Japanese audiences and if westerners liked it, that was a bonus. Now days that seems to have been reversed and anime are being made for the west, with little care for what the fans at home actually want. I haven't enjoyed a new anime in years.
Most anime being 12 episodes isn't a trend, that's been the case since the late 90s. It's a good thing anime are "only" 12 episodes now as there were way fewer anime coming out when the expectation was that every show would be 25-50 episodes or more. There were seasons in the 90s with only 5 new TV anime, where as now we get 40-50 new TV anime every season and the shorter episode length is a big reason for that.

As for the topic, yes I have lost massive amounts of interest in anime over the last several years and there are tons of reasons for that. The significant decrease in the amount of fanservice and nudity is one of the main reasons as well as the significant increase in the amount of censorship. Anime aren't even uncensored for the home release version now days either which means there isn't an uncensored version of basically any anime that's come out in the 2020s. Most anime look terrible visually now as well as companies seem to be getting lazier and outsourcing more and more of the work. American companies like Crunchyroll have gotten on the production committee for more and more anime and it isn't a coincidence that American politics have now found their way into a bunch of anime in recent years. Anime used to be made 100% for Japanese audiences and if westerners liked it, that was a bonus. Now days that seems to have been reversed and anime are being made for the west, with little care for what the fans at home actually want. I haven't enjoyed a new anime in years.
those were ovas and i don't think they are actual seasons back in the day. the season usually had more episodes for any decent story anime.
I did but not completely.
These days I don't go out of my way to search and keep up with anime but if I get to know of a good anime, I will watch it even if it takes time
I feel like it is more that with my work I have a lot more limited time. I have an urge to create so I have to divide my free time between house chores and errands, doing my passion projects and then the consumerism of watching anime, reading and playing videogames so I have slowed down a lot.

That beings aid, I have kept up with Netflix and I still pay for crunchy roll from time to time to access anime I am interested to binge for the month.
My interest is still strong as ever! Even dated someone who loves it as much as I do :D
that's so cool!
what have you been watching these days?
I feel like it is more that with my work I have a lot more limited time. I have an urge to create so I have to divide my free time between house chores and errands, doing my passion projects and then the consumerism of watching anime, reading and playing videogames so I have slowed down a lot.

That beings aid, I have kept up with Netflix and I still pay for crunchy roll from time to time to access anime I am interested to binge for the month.
that's so cool kay
but isn't crunchyroll too expensive? having both of them it must have been really hard for you
that's so cool kay
but isn't crunchyroll too expensive? having both of them it must have been really hard for you
Yeah, it is expensive. That's why I tend to go on and off on crunchy roll. I usually only pay for a month to try binge an anime in particular otherwise I just stick with Netflix.
Yeah, it is expensive. That's why I tend to go on and off on crunchy roll. I usually only pay for a month to try binge an anime in particular otherwise I just stick with Netflix.
that's so cool
and you don't waste money that way and i think i need to learn this as well