Dealing with spammers

What account activation method do you prefer?

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Well-known member
Yo everyone!

We know that you are all tired of spamming. We've let all the users get instant account activation until now. We can now start the email verification process for new users. The problem with email verification is that it will take some time for the users to get the email, a couple of hours probably. And the verification email might end up in the spam section. You will have to wait for a couple of hours and then check your spam section to find the email. It isn't very convenient. Then there is the manual activation process. Claraviolet and I will activate the account manually. This might take some time. Especially if someone joins the forum during night time, he/she will have to wait like 8 hours to get their account activated. So choose the option you think is the best way to deal with the spammers.
You don't have to worry guys.I have installed "stopforumspam" plugin.It prevents spammers and spam bots from registering.So rest assured :angel:

Now we have two plugins to prevent spam -_^
Masterpiece said:
I hope this works ^
I chose the manual verification,I'm just tired of the spam :/
We are thinking of using manual verification method for a while. At least until the person/persons who are doing all the spamming get tired of it -_-
I prefer the classic email verification method. It seems to work well on most sites.
MadaraUchiha said:
I guess Manual is safer, but instant is better..........
Yeah, I know. We might think of re-enabling the instant verification method some time in the future.
Shaurya said:
MadaraUchiha said:
I guess Manual is safer, but instant is better..........
Yeah, I know. We might think of re-enabling the instant verification method some time in the future.
After you have enough measures against the spammers, that is.....
Shaurya said:
Yo everyone!

We know that you are all tired of spamming. We've let all the users get instant account activation until now. We can now start the email verification process for new users. The problem with email verification is that it will take some time for the users to get the email, a couple of hours probably. And the verification email might end up in the spam section. You will have to wait for a couple of hours and then check your spam section to find the email. It isn't very convenient. Then there is the manual activation process. Claraviolet and I will activate the account manually. This might take some time. Especially if someone joins the forum during night time, he/she will have to wait like 8 hours to get their account activated. So choose the option you think is the best way to deal with the spammers.

i vote for manual activation, places like narutobase use it, i think it gives you guys more control over who joins xD
Davis said:
i vote for manual activation, places like narutobase use it, i think it gives you guys more control over who joins xD
That is what we are doing right now. Email verification didn't stop the spammers -_-
Shaurya said:
Davis said:
i vote for manual activation, places like narutobase use it, i think it gives you guys more control over who joins xD
That is what we are doing right now. Email verification didn't stop the spammers -_-

ok good xD

Hope they stay out xD
djhawk.6 said:
and there goes another spammer........they sure got some nerve to spam in this thread..:toomad1:
I deleted all those comments. Sorry about that (_ _)
and hey.... i got an idea to deal with them....

the thing is....once the user is registered... ,,he can only have access to the 'Greetings' section ...and to gain access ,...he will have to first post something(introduction).......

and after the user posts his first post...then he have to await the manual activation by the Admin....

this way Admins can stop the Spammers before entering any other sections....

What do you guys think about this..?? ...........@[Claraviolet] ,,. @[Shaurya] Admin -san s..?
Um.....>.> Then they will post stupid stuff in intro section.It's kinda ...uh....never's not gonna work @[djhawk.6]

Sorry >.>
djhawk.6 said:
c'mon...dont need to 'sorry' me...i was angry at the spammers...
I know =)
And about your suggestion, it wouldn't make a difference. They will just spam the intro section.