Best ways to compress a video file

Davis said:
well i may have a solution ....

depending on what router you have you can actually throttle other devices and prioritize your machine.

its normally called QoS (Quality of Service) Bandwidth control or bandwidth throttling depending on router.

if your router doesn't have it, you might be able to flash software onto it.. but it can be a bit tricky...
Just between you and me...I have already used my MAC address for the highest priority devices and used my sister's MAC address for the lowest ones.
Still, it doesn't seem to work any I just gave up :(
P.S. She doesn't know this stuff even now..
Claraviolet said:
Just between you and me...I have already used my MAC address for the highest priority devices and used my sister's MAC address for the lowest ones.
Still, it doesn't seem to work any I just gave up :(
P.S. She doesn't know this stuff even now..
Clara, don't do stuff like that. You want positive karma in your life, so you should try to be fair in your actions, especially since it's your sister we're talking about...
Claraviolet said:
Just between you and me...I have already used my MAC address for the highest priority devices and used my sister's MAC address for the lowest ones.
Still, it doesn't seem to work any I just gave up :(
P.S. She doesn't know this stuff even now..

agh i see, that sucks.. i would do the same tbh..

their are ways to actually physically assign certain amount of bandwidth to a network.. some router have 2.4ghz and 5ghz WIFI networks and you can split the bandwidth between them. say you get 20mb down split that to like 15mb on one and 5 on the other ...
Davis said:
agh i see, that sucks.. i would do the same tbh..

their are ways to actually physically assign certain amount of bandwidth to a network.. some router have 2.4ghz and 5ghz WIFI networks and you can split the bandwidth between them. say you get 20mb down split that to like 15mb on one and 5 on the other ...

Can I know the trick too? How do you divide that bandwidth and how did clara assign priority to MAC address? Is MAC address the unique thing we get while we are on the internet?
Davis said:
agh i see, that sucks.. i would do the same tbh..

their are ways to actually physically assign certain amount of bandwidth to a network.. some router have 2.4ghz and 5ghz WIFI networks and you can split the bandwidth between them. say you get 20mb down split that to like 15mb on one and 5 on the other ...

I am using netgear router for my home wi-fi can I really assign bandwidth to it?
I have explored many options and I have never come across such an far

Elvis said:
Clara, don't do stuff like that. You want positive karma in your life, so you should try to be fair in your actions, especially since it's your sister we're talking about...
But it's not fair that I only get the scares of bandwidth from time to time ya know...and it's not a crime either ;-;
Claraviolet said:
I am using netgear router for my home wi-fi can I really assign bandwidth to it?
I have explored many options and I have never come across such an far

idk how, one of my old colleagues said he did it, not sure if its a feature on a router or a program..
not much more i can help, maybe look it up, try tomshardware, its a great site if you need tech help
Davis said:
idk how, one of my old colleagues said he did it, not sure if its a feature on a router or a program..
not much more i can help, maybe look it up, try tomshardware, its a great site if you need tech help

I have tried various stuff know how we are.
We try to do whatever we can to do stuff right but sometimes that's just not enough. So, this is such a situation.
Claraviolet said:
I have tried various stuff know how we are.
We try to do whatever we can to do stuff right but sometimes that's just not enough. So, this is such a situation.

yeah im pretty sure you can adjust bandwidth within QoS i have never had to do it, i do think you can though.
it also depends on the router...
Davis said:
yeah im pretty sure you can adjust bandwidth within QoS i have never had to do it, i do think you can though.
it also depends on the router...

Well, there is no such option for my router then...the story of my life!
Well never mind >.>

Too bad that those services are not available throughout the country. The one I am using offered like 80kbps. Now, it's barely giving me 2 kbps :(
Claraviolet said:
Too bad that those services are not available throughout the country. The one I am using offered like 80kbps. Now, it's barely giving me 2 kbps :(

have you checked the best service available to you. cause getting 0.08 mb is really bad... and getting 0.02 is even worse
Davis said:
have you checked the best service available to you. cause getting 0.08 mb is really bad... and getting 0.02 is even worse

I have checked five major companies so far like BSNL, airtel, vodafone, docomo.....even reliance...but na da :(