AMF lounge v2.0

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Don't worry too much about it
Let's do our best to cover all the slack by tomorrow. It's going to be a little hard but let's do it
you are right and i really shouldn't give up now
but do you think we can get at least 50 posts today? or we will never have a chance to cover the slack this weekend
We can if we try hard enough
What about you? Do you plan to do anything today Angel? It doesn't have to be about anime
i don't think i have any such plans
and i an just lazing around doing nothing and from tomorrow it's going to be hard for me anyway
that's right
and after a long break going back is a little scary and if i put it off again, it's going to get harder and i don't want to do that
That's great
At least you know what you want to do and you should try to go back to work with a smile
I can relate to it
It's just you shouldn't think about it too much and you should try to do it as part of your daily routine
easy for you to say lol
even if it's something i like it's still work and i don't earn all that much but just enough to get by
I am aware of that.
Just don't give up and try to do your best and you will get back to your former self without struggle
thank you for saying that.
i will try to make the most of what free time i have left and i don't think i will be much here today
but it's just one more month left
it's going to be hard for us to do panic posting during the last month and i am not even sure if it works or not
It will be fine.
Don't worry too much about it. Let's try to get whatever we can today and worry about the rest later
That's very weird
I thought for sure you would be reading manga all the time if you ever get free time
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