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  1. Jack


    Hey guys heres Targets Signature that I just made If you want, you guys can give me feedback on it :)
  2. Jack


    Hey guys here is the signature that I made for Deatchcone for $1000 please give me feedback on it.:ohmy:
  3. Jack

    Slot Machine Issue

    I think this slot machine will be a problem because people wont really get satisfaction from how many post they post.....even though I used it lol
  4. Jack


    I think you should do a donations think where all the money goes towards the website and you would be able to hire a web designer and get a better design and be able to pay for the site monthly if you guys cant pay for it atm. :angel:
  5. Jack

    Graphics Pack DL :D

    Heys guys I have a pack that I would like to share some of you might have it already from before but it is my personal pack for graphics so you can now make your own things or tryout ps if you want with them :) - Jack :) You need winrar to be able to dl it I think I havent checked in a while DL...
  6. Jack

    Sig and Avatar sales!

    Hey im going to make signatures and avatars for whoever gives me $1000 in forum money for the sig and $500 for avatars because im a money whore also when you send the money please tell details on what you want one it :) here is some of my work for anyone who wants to see :)
  7. Jack


    I think when you get a certain amount of posts or an awards of some sort you should be able to get a title like how it says when your a junior member anyone else agree?
  8. Jack

    What is your Favorite Manga/Anime

    Hey guys this thread is for people to post what their favorite manga/anime is enjoy! :) My favorite Manga is probably Hajime no Ippo or One Piece and Anime is One Piece or DBZ
  9. Jack

    Hello once again

    Hopefully you guys remember what my intro said....well Hi