Recent content by Nomad

  1. Nomad

    Do you set limit to your credit card?

    When I get a credit card I always choose to have a credit limit between $300 and $500. This limit is set by the bank that provides me with a credit card. However, I also set my own limit which is 80 percent of my actual limit. For example, if my card has a $300 limit, I use only $240.
  2. Nomad


    Unemployment is a great problem in the country where I live. There is no exact data but it is estimated that about 11.12 percent of people are unemployed. This figure does not include semi-employed or under-employed people. It is even said that people living under the poverty line account for...
  3. Nomad

    Reading eBooks Vs reading Paperbacks

    Do you read Manga online, on an ebook reader, or do you buy paperbacks? Even though I read a digital version of Manga, I prefer to get paperbacks because it gives a different thrill to touch the book and flip the pages. However, I end up reading online as it is cheaper, sometimes you can even...
  4. Nomad

    Have You Tried Writing Manga?

    I am a writer and I like trying my hands on different sorts of writing. In fact, I have written and published in various genres, however, I have never tried my hands on writing manga. Have you written anything in Manga? How did you get started, I mean how did you create characters and developed...
  5. Nomad

    Have You Tried Drawing Anime

    I have an interest in drawing and illustration. I am not very good but I enjoy drawing and illustrating different kinds of characters and objects, including Anime. I am not skilled at drawing Anime but I enjoy copying illustrations of the popular characters. Have you ever tried drawing Anime...