Working out alone?


Well-known member
When it comes to how you enjoy to workout, do you like when you're working out alone or when you're with a workout partner or even going to the gym? Personally, I don't like any sort of distractions whenever I'm working out which is why I have a gym at home where I workout. If eventually decide to workout at the gym house, my headset never comes off.
I do it by myself, but I don’t have an issue with others seeing me. It’s more like I just do my workout and get out when I want, whereas with a friend I’m on their time.
By myself unless I have a friend available and then I like having the added benefit of a spotter and someone to push me.
I don't mind working out by myself but I will admit that if I am able to workout with someone else, I will choose that over working out on my own.

I feel working out with someone can help with the motivation to keep going and not giving up and you can also help say your friend or family member out as well to keep going and not give up.