Why do you think many people like action anime?


Staff member
I don't know the reason but everyone seems to live action anime more.
Other genres are popular but all the long running anime are of action anime.
What do you think?
Easy to get hyped up when there's action. Doesn't require you to pay much attention either to enjoy. So they'll be popular with the younger generation.
Honestly the most popular anime aren't traditionally action, they are more shounen or fantasy, involving super-powers/super-natural phenomena. But I guess it's because action is cathartic and it gives you that adrenaline-pumping feeling that not a lot of other genre can do other than say horror. Also they tend to be simpler when in comes to narratives and rely more on execution.
Because action can be so awesome at times. If done right, people can be hyped over it for months if not forever.
MadaraUchiha said:
Honestly the most popular anime aren't traditionally action, they are more shounen or fantasy, involving super-powers/super-natural phenomena. But I guess it's because action is cathartic and it gives you that adrenaline-pumping feeling that not a lot of other genre can do other than say horror. Also they tend to be simpler when in comes to narratives and rely more on execution.
Indeed I agree with that.
It's just that, it's close to a comic. Well all the action anime have a bit of comic feel to them
Star_Of_Hope said:
I don't know the reason but everyone seems to live action anime more.
Other genres are popular but all the long running anime are of action anime.
What do you think?
Cause action scenes looks classy and lit.. sometimes with a twist.. plus the fist, sword, superpowers etc.. plenty of elements to keep a person excited...
MadaraUchiha said:
Superman, Batman and all the other comic series.
Protagonist would be saving the world from all the enemies. It's good for kids..

Sase said:
Cause action scenes looks classy and lit.. sometimes with a twist.. plus the fist, sword, superpowers etc.. plenty of elements to keep a person excited...
I see.
I don't find fighting exciting to begin with

Well, I like action stuff too and the same goes to Clara and Shaurya as well.
I do agree that active girls are less when compared to active boys here
Star_Of_Hope said:
Superman, Batman and all the other comic series.
Protagonist would be saving the world from all the enemies. It's good for kids..

I'm talking about action purely, not super-heroes. Actual people fighting with their bodies and everything so they don't count to me. Besides the way action itself is framed and story-boarded is way different in comics and anime and movies. Something like this can't be shown in comics or manga:
MadaraUchiha said:
I'm talking about action purely, not super-heroes. Actual people fighting with their bodies and everything so they don't count to me. Besides the way action itself is framed and story-boarded is way different in comics and anime and movies. Something like this can't be shown in comics or manga:

For comics there are cartoons.
Have you see any Ben 10, batman, spiderman, superman cartoons? They have action too, MadaraUchiha.
Star_Of_Hope said:
For comics there are cartoons.
Have you see any Ben 10, batman, spiderman, superman cartoons? They have action too, MadaraUchiha.

I did give you an example of a cartoon as well though above.
Star_Of_Hope said:
For comics there are cartoons.
Have you see any Ben 10, batman, spiderman, superman cartoons? They have action too, MadaraUchiha.

Some action leave us at the edge of our seat man.
We are taking about action like that