Where to start?


Hi there, I love reading short stories and novels but when it comes to manga I am very much a novice. I thought the best place to start would be the beginning so to speak by reading the most popular pieces. So I spoke to my Japanese friend and she suggested Naruto, Bleach and One Piece. Are these the right mangas to start with reading or should I try something completely different?

I would very much love your help!
Since anime/manga cover every genre in existence, I don’t think there’s a single series that will be a good singular or generic representation of the hobby.

So I tend to ask, what times of movies, books, and tv shows do you like? That way I can zoom in on specific genres and find shows that are more catered to you.
Usually it depends on the genre.
What do you like? Would it be action or drama or horror? Based on that, we can give you recommendations :D
Well.. generally, those series are good enough for starter. But specifically i must know what kind of things you like? Like.. your interest and preference genre
My suggestion is know your fantasies. Anime and manga consumption is only worth it if you can tickle your imagination and in turn the fantasies. Like say if you like to know about the world which is parallel to us, or say wortl whre people have superpowers or world inside earth etc. So having such fantasies, you can explore more of manga and anime.