What Anime Do You Want Dubbed?

There are hundreds of anime that haven't been dubbed that could use them. Listing all the anime I want dubbed would take hours so for now I'm going to focus on anime from recent seasons or upcoming anime. Crunchyroll doesn't do many backlog dubs so once the season starts its often already to late to start saying you want something dubbed, so I'll get ahead of them and list the anime I want dubbed next season.

Anime I want dubbed next season (Spring 2025)

Summer Pockets
Please Put Them On Takamine
Rock Is A Lady's Modesty
I'm The Evil Lord of an Intergalactic Empire
Maebashi Witches

Anime I want dubbed from the currently airing (Winter 2025) season

Momentary Lily
Grisaia: Phantom Trigger
I'm Getting Married to a Girl I Hate in My Class
Sorairo Utility

How about you?
i don't really care these days.
not many we can get it in dubbed and i am too tired to wait for the dubbed and ended up watching subbed anime.
i don't really care these days.
not many we can get it in dubbed and i am too tired to wait for the dubbed and ended up watching subbed anime.

True, dubbing of late has been very slow. I thought the recent Dragon Ball series would get a fast dub, but nope :(