Welcome Ace to the staff team

Blackrose said:
No need to thank me..you sound full of energy this time..hope it remains that way :)

I am i may sound like a terrible person but part of it is cause my sister moved and no longer bothers me for most things, and part of it is i resigned from being an admin and babysitting 3000~ people not long ago.
Ace said:
I am i may sound like a terrible person but part of it is cause my sister moved and no longer bothers me for most things, and part of it is i resigned from being an admin and babysitting 3000~ people not long ago.

hmmm I never said you were a bad person though..you have always seemed as a calm and cool person to me :)
3000 huh no wonder you resigned lol
I hope that you can have a better experience here :)
Blackrose said:
hmmm I never said you were a bad person though..you have always seemed as a calm and cool person to me :)
3000 huh no wonder you resigned lol
I hope that you can have a better experience here :)

well, a big plus is anime and no excessive explicit jokes. but ya i didn't hate it i just got tired of some people. I usually am calm though i've been told i under-react to things could because im not used to expressing myself vocally or facially cause i don't interact with people outside of the internet.
Ace said:
I'll generally read anything now'a'days, I've been buggered into reading genre's i normally didn't like but grew to enjoy some. Also I'm not someone who makes alot of threads, so if you didn't see me before that could be why.

"Was" I now read whatever i feel personal if asked enough i'll read whatever but if idon't like it i'd drop it, most things i look for are art and story, Character development is nice but not as required. <-not saying i'd read something i didn't like the art of just mentioning it's a main priority for me.
I understand
I haven't made many threads myself so I completely understand it. Do you like reading a lot?
Rinko said:
I understand
I haven't made many threads myself so I completely understand it. Do you like reading a lot?

ye i love reading, it's the primary way i catch up with all the series i get interested in.
Rinko said:
That's cool.
What about genres? What do you prefer?

mostly Fantasy, i enjoy magic most. Not exactly Fairy Tail type where it's a full-on battle most the time. but there was one where they showcased the detail on craftmanship in a magic world, such as enchanted armor for the adventurers or a lamp that doesn't run on fuel, stuff like that i enjoyed.

other than fantasy, i enjoy historical types.
comedy is a good genre
Romance i came to enjoy from various recommendations
Isekie is kinda a guilty pleasure

i can't think of many genres right now those are the ones that come to mind.

Sports is a no go for me, never could get into it
gore as well nope
Ace said:
mostly Fantasy, i enjoy magic most. Not exactly Fairy Tail type where it's a full-on battle most the time. but there was one where they showcased the detail on craftmanship in a magic world, such as enchanted armor for the adventurers or a lamp that doesn't run on fuel, stuff like that i enjoyed.

other than fantasy, i enjoy historical types.
comedy is a good genre
Romance i came to enjoy from various recommendations
Isekie is kinda a guilty pleasure

i can't think of many genres right now those are the ones that come to mind.

Sports is a no go for me, never could get into it
gore as well nope
isn't martial art a kind of sport too?
i thought you really liked them ace.
Blackangel said:
isn't martial art a kind of sport too?
i thought you really liked them ace.

yea i guess you can classify martial arts as a sport, but i mostly meant soccer basketball etc.

though i guess you could class dance as a sport, there was a manga about ballroom dance i enjoyed alot.
Ace said:
yea i guess you can classify martial arts as a sport, but i mostly meant soccer basketball etc.

though i guess you could class dance as a sport, there was a manga about ballroom dance i enjoyed alot.
oh cool
i understand now. i know you liked all the martial arts, judo and such a long time ago.
Ace said:
well, a big plus is anime and no excessive explicit jokes. but ya i didn't hate it i just got tired of some people. I usually am calm though i've been told i under-react to things could because im not used to expressing myself vocally or facially cause i don't interact with people outside of the internet.
[quote="Blackrose" pid='203899' dateline='1592358793']

hmmm I see
I would say though that your vibe does seem a bit different from the usual you but anyways still happy to have you back :) 
Question, will you be taking over burnsey's duties?

as in graphics? Yes