Vote for MAF in sweet sixteen round!

Blackangel said:
oh no we are losing this early
and you are right star, this year's competition is not at all easy.
@apathy @grmxtria @blackrose @cryingclown did you all vote?

Yep I've already voted, as of now we're 1 vote in the lead.
Best of luck to MAF in this event, my site unfortunately got knocked out in the first round :P
apathy said:
Yep I've already voted, as of now we're 1 vote in the lead.
Best of luck to MAF in this event, my site unfortunately got knocked out in the first round :P

Thank you apathy and I am sorry to hear that.
This year's competition is fierce and I didn't expect that.
That's right.
It's not going to be easy to win this year's competition. So, let's try to aim for the second place at least.
but star. don't give up just yet
and i am sure even though we are not here for anything much but we still try our best for maf.
Yes I did.
I haven't voted for the first round. For some reason, I forgot about it and then I did vote in the second round.
lol star and you made a thread about us to vote
and you forgot to vote in the end? but we won that round and it's all cool lol
I will try to vote in every round from here on in.
Competition is going to get fierce after all and we need to stay alert
that's right lol
and this is all a big battle out there. and that reminds me may be you can ask your friends and all to vote as well.
Claraviolet did ask couple of family members and some of them did make accounts including me.
So, that makes three votes from our fmaily.
only three?
but i am sure there could be more of you and you could ask them out. if you keep bugging them, may be they will vote too.
We wouldn't want to do that.
If someone cares about the website enough, then we wouldn't have to go through all that in the first place.
thats all good star
but sometimes you need to get people on your side and i am sure a 100 usd is worth it. wouldn't you agree?